Yojimboguy to Yojimbo (and anyone else): time for a new Member name?

That might make Les Jimboguy feel bad.

Are you a Seinfeld fan?

How about:

[Newman leaving Soup Nazi] Jimbolia! [Newman leaving Soup Nazi]

I would be a fan of Taco Waffle Discman! myself…

Honestly - I think Boyo Jim or even BoJimminy would be cool.

PS. Does the SDMB really let you change your name and retain your post history etc? That would be intriguing if I ever get exhausted with Broodha

We could call you Dennis.

Not Yojimbo

Yes. E-mail an admin and politely request that your username be changed. Once changed, it will be changed on all past posts, but only in the little box to the left, not in the text of actual posts. This leads to silliness like a post being shown as being written by, say, NewName, but later quotes of it still saying “Originally posted by OldName.”


Every once in a while I get the urge to change my name to The Vorlon Ambassador and start ordering my aide around.

Can I call you Ishmael?

Hmm, I actually changed my name because I got bored with the old one and wanted to synch it up with my other online names. Come to think of it, the jjimm/jjtm posts confused me, too. I’d usually search a thread for my posts using “jj”. I think I registered before him, too. But hey, glad to make things less confusing, inadvertantly or not.



Howzabout Boyo Yim so as not to confuse with jjimm?

When we’re done here, can we do something about SPOOFE and spooje?

How about an anagram?

You Go By Jim!

How about the simple expediency of the existing letters in your username titied up into alphabetic order:

Or a simple anagram:
Yogi Bum Joy]

Ooooh. Good one Skammer.

Regarding the OP. I agree that it is confusing and that yojimboguy should probably change.

(choose Atomic Badger Racing just so Mangetout stops his incessant suggesting of it… please?) ~grin~

Ooops, that really was supposed to say tidied, honestly, I don’t have boobs on the breast…err…I mean brain.

Damn, you did register way before me… Now I’m even more grateful (even though you weren’t necessarily doing it for my sake). Thanks.

Just to mess with the table alignments, how about

The Artist Formerly Known as yojimboguy

or for added insanity

The Artist Formerly Known as yojimboguy, who changed his name to this because people thought he was yojimbo