Do you and your SO have any coincidental statistics?
My partner and I have the same birthday . . . 20 years apart.
And we both got 1600 on our SAT.
And he’s exactly a foot taller than I am (6’10, 5’10).
Do you and your SO have any coincidental statistics?
My partner and I have the same birthday . . . 20 years apart.
And we both got 1600 on our SAT.
And he’s exactly a foot taller than I am (6’10, 5’10).
My SO was exactly 5" shorter than me, 12 days younger, and 35 lb lighter, yet we both went to three schools together!
Also, once married we had the same last name. And we each had one relative with an “a” in their name.
My wife and I are part of the 8 percent of the population who have voluntary nystagmus (the ability to rapidly move our eyes back and forth at will) – she’s the only person I’ve ever met who can do it (although I don’t ask everyone I meet).
We’ve vowed to use this power only for good.
My wife’s and my father are (or, in my case, was) named Dennis. We both have (or had) a grandmother named Alice.
I can do that. My wife can’t.
We do, however, both live at the same address.
I’m a Virgo, he’s Aquarius. As are my mother and father respectively. That’s all I’ve got.
Wow, so do we!
Also my wife and I got married on the EXACT SAME DAY!
We’re both brown-haired gay men.
Both sets of parents divorced after we had left home.
Before we met, each of us learned to speak Welsh as adults.
We both have non-English six-letter middle names that begin with vowels, ultimately derived from Latin but in the form we bear them in the language of our respective ethnicities.
How odd, both of us are severely annoyed when people refuse to actually say the name in question, instead playing this little guessing game as if knowing an anonymous poster’s middle name is somehow a direct key into their bank accounts and credit history.
Our first names are exactly the same as my parent’s first names.
EXCEPT - my husband goes by his middle name, not his first name. My Dad goes by a name that is not in any way part of his legal name (long story). So even though they have the same first name, nobody calls either of them that name.
Holy S!
Is that what it’s called?
I have this ability too (although i confess, I’ve used my ability for evil).
I went to the doctor’s one time and told the doctor about it. The doctor was confused because the only time that he’d heard of it was when it was involuntary and as such it was a symptom of brain cancer (or something deadly).
My father has the ability, as does my identical twin brother. I just had a daughter recently and I’m wondering if she will be able to wiggle her eyes…
A few weeks ago I was at a bar and chatting up some attractive women. One has the same first name as my ex, with the same unusual spelling. It’s the Swedish spelling and neither one has Swedish ancestry, but I do. Another woman was born halfway across the country. Same state as me. Same city. Same hospital.
Meh, that’s all I’ve got.
Bullshit, I don’t believe you. Try something a little more credible.
My SO and I both have mothers who wear glasses!
My wife’s birthday and mine are exactly 6 months (to the day) apart from each other. So whenever, we celebrate one, we’re also celebrating the “half” of the other.
We missed that one by a day. Well, by 9 years and a day, but celebrationwise…you get the idea.
[li]We have the same first name (hers = mine + “a”)[/li][li]We each have a parent from Düsseldorf, Germany (her mother, my father)[/li][li]Our German parents both moved to the US in September, 1964 (no, they didn’t know each other) and married someone from Pennsylvania[/li][/ul]
There are a few others but those are the most notable.
[quote=“E.Thorp, post:15, topic:500922”]
[li]We have the same first name (hers = mine + “a”)[/li][/QUOTE]
Both of our mother’s names were Dorothy, and they went by the nickname Dottie.
My (current, and 4th, and last!) husband is from Mansfield, Ohio, but I met and married him down here in Texas. (Well we actually married in Vegas, but - you know what I mean.)
My second husband is also from Mansfield, Ohio, but I met him down here, too! My son was born in Mansfield, Ohio.
We know some of the same people there, but never crossed paths.
We both think the toilet paper should roll from the top.
You suck at geography?
Well, not a lot of coincidence in my marriage, other than:
We both come from a four-person nuclear family (two kids, sister older than brother) originally, and that we’re both from multiple-generations native Floridian families. (That probably doesn’t seem like much, but nobody around here is FROM here, ya know?)
If family size counts, I’ve been dating someone from a boy-girl-boy family just like me. She has two nieces by her older brother, just like me. And we were both born in places with four letters stating with I.