You Are A Billionaire - Want A Chauffeur?

Hell yes. I hate city traffic and would love if someone else had to navigate it for me. Country traffic I’m fine with, but I really dislike city traffic esp at night or during rush hour.

If I had endless money I’d also have a massage therapist, maid and cook. I could probably combine all 4 skills into one person though.

Hell yes. I’d have multiple chauffeurs so that there’s always one on call. And they’d have taken advanced driving skills courses and car repair courses and also be trained bodyguards with concealed carry licenses. It’d be better than random taxi drivers who might not be very good and might kidnap you.

I’d want a chauffeur sooner than a huge mansion…

I like driving when I’m not in a hurry, but for long road trips or for driving in one of those places where cars are accesories to armed assault, I’d want someone else behind the wheel.

Hell no. I love driving, and won’t give it up until I’m too feeble to drive. (Actually, it’s starting to happen already.)

I like driving and, frankly, the idea of having to work with some dork to get where I want to go sounds like precisely the kind of irritation I, as a billionaire, don’t want.

The other thing is that I’m not getting anything out of it I can’t do better myself. If I hire someone to clean my house I’m getting someone who is probably better at cleaning houses than I am. Same with hiring a landscaper, a personal assistant, an accountant, a cook, and stuff like that - they do those things better than I do.

But can a chauffeur drive a car better than I can? Likely not. So I don’t see the point.

I knew this rich guy (Not a billionaire, a millionaire, so I’ve heard) that would visit my local watering hole from time to time. He would come into the bar and buy everbody’s drinks no matter how crowded the place was for as long as he was there. Usually about an hour to an hour and a half.

Anyway, he had a manservant. A rather big intimidating manservant. Not the kind of guy you would want to piss off if you know what I mean. This guy did everything for him. Rich guy wasn’t into limos but he did like sports cars. He would buy them and his manservant would drive them.

He would also cook his meals, clean his house and FFS operate Rich guys cell phone because he couldn’t even be bothered to do that. :smack:

But yeah, I want one of those. Especially one who can kick ass if need be. :smiley:

I would have chosen ‘Most of the time’ I’d like to be chauffeured around in my Bentley. Every once in a while I’d jump in one of my sports cars and go for a spin.

A conditional “yes.” According to the OP, I already “have a cleaning staff, gardeners, cook, personal trainer, personal stylist and a few other assorted employees for (my) mansion.”
So, by the terms and conditions set forth herewith, sure, might as well go ahead and add a chauffeur to the crew.

But, truth be told, I don’t really want any of those things. I don’t want people in my employ; I’d rather have my privacy. If I can dump the rest of the staff I’ll dump the driver too, and this would be my answer:

I don’t mind driving, and if I could afford any car in the world, I’d mind it even less. So I’ll drive myself around much of the time, and for drinking occasions and airport runs, I’ve got the limo service on speed-dial.

Chauffeur, are you kidding? Chauffeurs are for lowly millionaires. As a billionaire, when I need to go somewhere I take the chopper.

I personally know two billionaires and both of them drive themselves 99% of the time.