You are one dirty fucking bastard

You may remember a few weeks ago, in MPSIMS, I posted a thread about a turd I found bobbing around in the toilet.

Well, guess what? The same dirty fuck did it again. I don’t know exactly who it is, but it’s one of my sisters.

A huge fucking dump just sitting in the toilet, unflushed. To top it off, there was NO toilet paper. The water was pissy, too, meaning it wasn’t a rebirth from an earlier flush.

Goddamn your dirty soul.


I’d start leaving the seat up.

See, your life COULD get worse. :slight_smile:

Ok, here’s what you do:

(1) Take a deep breath.

(2) Gag. You shoulda taken the deep breath outside the bathroom, ya nimrod.

(3) Take another deep breath.

(4) Jeeezuss…ok, gag, then GO OUTSIDE AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH!

(5) Now go back in the bathroom and flush the pot.

(6) Siddown and relax.

Oh god I hate it when there are turds in the toilet!!! Especially if they’ve sort of half-disolved and there is that coffee-looking brown water at the bottom of the bowl… eeeeeeeewwwwwww

It gets really bad when the turd starts growing eyes and arms and starts climbing out of the toilet…I mean, those things put up a fight! You shoulda seen how lon…uh…I mean, yeah, people who don’t flush suck.

It’s worse when your sister refuses to have a bowel movement for five or six days, and when she finally DOES release it, it always clogs up the toilet or doesn’t flush all the way.

Oh, and she occasionally leaves her used pads lying around the bathroom (and guess who has to throw 'em away?).

I just laugh at her whenever she whines about guys not liking her.

Uh… refuses to have a bowel movement???

Why? And, more importantly, how?

I hope you have bowel control(i bet i said that wrong) neutron star. :slight_smile:

I have bowel control … but six days worth? Now that would be stretching it!

please please, no more stretched anuses… I just can’t take any more.

Isn’t that a gay porn line?

Tim Tim Tim…


Thanks for the vivid description!

gawd, you people bust me up!

For a woman, I have surprisingly few issues with your average public restroom. I don’t “hover,” for example. Usually, I will look carefullly at the bowl and the seat before I sit down, and that’s all I really need to do.

Today, I got to work, and went to go use the bathroom. The last stall is my favorite because the toilet seat is about as high up as the ones in handicapped stalls, even though it’s not a handicapped stall. Before I got in there I checked the seat, and on the very back of it was a dime-sized drop of blood.

I about puked.

It really makes me PUKE when the guy I’m dating leaves his previous victims scattered about the house. I mean, jeez, Home Depot has quicklime and concrete mix, how long does it TAKE to dissolve and encase body parts?

But nooo . . . He has to just dump them in the crawlspace, the lazy lout. The smell, the flies, the nosy neighbors . . . I swear, it’s almost enough to make me break off with him. But he is SUCH a good cook.

Someone who has recently joined our office, don’t know who it is a huge office, drops toilet paper on the floor & doesn’t pick it up & flush it. I know it’s not nice, but you dropped it, you should pick it up, you thoughtless selfish bastard! And they do provide this strange stuff called soap and running water, maybe you’ve never heard of that either! Not only that, but they don’t flush the toilet.

After numerous complaints to the facilities people, they stuck up little labels saying “please flush all used toilet paer” “please flush the loo when you are finished”. Like this is going to make a huge difference, to someone as antisocial as that! They say that they suspect who it is that is doing this. Why don’t they or their line manager have a word with them? If it is simple ignorance and the person won’t change, they aren’t fit to work in an office building with other people (I hate to think what their home is like - knee deep in used paper, they probably can’t even se the toilet anymore!). If it is a medical problem with coordination or something, facilities could let them use the disabled bathroom, so that at least only one gets messed up, and it is a wider space, better lit & that might ease the problem anyway!

SPOOFE it almosT sounds like you live at my house! one (or both) of my sisters does that too, and as soon as i catch themin the act i am going to start breaking fingers.
they do not flush, although the culprit could just be our lo-flow toilets. plus there is also the crumpled TP that never makes it into garbage can or toilet. and guess who cleans the bathrooms?

if you said -----anya marie cleans the bathroom-- you’d be right!i won’t clean them more than once a week FWIW. I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK! you do not clean the bath room, you dare not pick up after yourselves, i am not going to either! filthy bastards!!!