Are the 80 safety violations BP was guilty of before the spill also our fault? I guess so, for electing people who would in turn appoint people to regulatory positions who weren’t interested in regulating…
Nope, I favored responsible development, with proper government oversight, so as to prevent the kind of cowboy-cornercutting which BP used to produce this debacle. It ain’t my fault in any way or form whatsoever. Go have a chat with the deregulation crowd. I’m certain they all realize now that they’ve reaped what they sowed and are ready to take personal responsibility for their idiocy.
Don’t let the Amish off the hook. Dopers on here have posted that while they won’t own or drive a car, they will accept rides to job sites (called “Yoder Toters”, I believe is the phrasing), and they cheerfully drive their buggies on asphalt roads. And likely use some items which come from oil or have oil in the chain of manufacture.
You know I hadn’t considered that (perhaps too preoccupied with wondering if that thing around his neck in this famous Lewis Hine photograph would later reappear in an infamous Robert Mapplethorpe photograph.)