Assuming you got a great job and could live and work anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Istanbul or Singapore.
The first thing that comes to mind is New York City.
It wasn’t a great job, but it was in Ankara. I think Istanbul would have been more interesting.
London, Istanbul, or Cartagena, Colombia, I think.
Rio de Janeiro
Not sure how the summer would be; I was only there in summer (i.e. January) once, and it was hot.
Apperantly Michigan’s UP. I can live & work wherever I want, and this is where I am.
London, definitely.
Maranello, Italy. Wouldn’t mind even some menial job at a little ol’ employer called Ferrari S.p.A !
Lots places, and I usually have lots of opportunities, as long as my company does business there. Ghent, Belgium comes to mind as a place I’d love to spend a year, although my company may stop doing business there.
I’d also love to go back to Mexico for a year, just not to Mexico City. Oh, wait, guess where I’m going for a year next month? Oh well, still better than border towns, I suppose.
Either Edinburgh (I’m planning on it) or, if I could get all the relatives I have there shipped to the South Pole without parkas, Barcelona.
I’d love to move back to Tokyo.
I’ve never been to Tokyo, but it would be my choice too.
Pottsville, Australia.
A friend is there.
Paris. It’s where I am right now (for the 4th time), and it’s the hardest place in the world to leave.
Fredericton, New Brunswick. I loved that place.
Either Auckland or Wellington, NZ.
Yep, New Zealand.