Well, not being “financially secure” myself at this point, AND since it had been there so long, unclaimed and under such odd circumstances, I would probably keep it.
Hell YEAH, I would keep it! There isn’t anything to indicate this is “lost” money, as in someone accidentally lost their life savings or the money for their kid’s operation and I snatched it up soon after the error. If anything, it is ill gotten gains from some criminal activity or the legit owner is now dead. (even as a struggling returning college student and widow with 2 kids living on SS survivor benefits and student loans, I would NEVER find a wallet, say, on the train and keep the money…my late husband once left his wallet in a fast food place, went back 10 minutes later, and it was gone. A week’s pay was in that wallet…our rent money. As we said at the time, well, I hope the ASSHOLE who took it needs it more than WE do…unlikely.)
But also not being a complete ethical dullard, I would probably remove MOST of the money, leaving some, THEN report it to the police. Just in case there was some criminal involvement that should be followed up on.
WTH are they to know how much money was in the bag? Or that someone ELSE didn’t take it out before I found it as I was innocently doing my environmental duty by taking out my recyling? 
I’d also have to check the news for any recent bank or other robberies (in case the bills were marked), be very careful about how I doled out my loot (since banks, car dealers, brokers, etc…are required to report cash payments/deposits over 10 grand), not alter my habits too much (which might be suspicious) and otherwise just keep it tucked safely away and used (for spending or investment) in small increments/as needed.
Gee, seems I have this already all figured out. :dubious:
Actually, I wrote a story about exactly this sort of scenario years ago, so yeah, I pretty much had to consider all these factors then. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.