You fucked up, home-schooling, Jehovah Witness, MURDERING pieces of shits.

we’re talking about a dead child here, not a Trinity Dean with too much time on his hands.

Registered nurse at a children’s hospital… and she didn’t realise that hitting a kid 117 times with an inch-thick length of cable was a bad idea…? That’d probably kill me, never mind a twelve year old. How can anyone who knows the love of God possibly do something like this? It makes no sense.

Twisty, I think llamasex is referring to Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” here (ah. I see on preview that others have caught it), though why he’s doing it I cannot imagine. I think I’ve seen llamasex say something useful somewhere - but it sure as hell wasn’t in this thread.

Ah, thanks! I kept looking at the top of the thread.

FWIW 1, I’ve e-mailed Lynn and Tuba.

FWIW 2, llamasex, that just wasn’t funny. Not at all. Save your sarcasm for more appropriate subjects, m’kay?

Dark humor. It made me giggle.


And that post made you look like an idiot. That made me giggle.

Steve I got the reference, and for bonus points ( and pints at Londope) what position did Swift hold while he was writing?

Steve I got the reference, and for bonus points ( and pints at Londope) what job description did Swift hold while he was writing?

Actually I think your whiny crying comment about me making insenstive comment and taking it to a moderator makes you look like an someone who doesn’t need to venture out into the real world, I suggest staying home with a blanket over your head.

Oh no he joke about a tragedy THE HORROR THE HORROR. Grow up, everything is funny if you look at it from the right angle.

At least the poor girl’s nightmare is over. :frowning: May she rest in peace.

At least she didn’t die in vain, though. She saved her little brother from another hour in hell.

*Originally posted by llamasex *

Real grown ups realize that some situations require a little more tact. Not everything is funny, and I have a very dark sense of humor.

I also emailed John Corrado, so that makes three people contacted.


Please explain the humour in a child being beaten to death with electrical cable for being “uncooperative”.

I believe in the rule Comedy = Tragedy + Time, but this is beyond humour.

I like to think I’ve got a good sense of humor and a snarky wit, but I fail to see the ligher side of a child who was beaten to death.

I don’t place much stock in curses, but here goes:

I wish you pain. I wish you to suffer an unbearable loss of someone you love. I wish you to spend nights weeping in grief, unable to sleep for fear of dreams.

I agree - the death penalty would be too easy and humane after what he did.

I do have to wonder, though - would someone who could do that to his own children really feel guilty about it? Do you really think he’s feeling guilty about what he did or because he got caught and will have to pay the consequences?


Yeah, everything’s funny if you’re fucked in the head. Hey, hahahaha I just raped and killed your Mom. The knife made this “sllluurrrfff” sound coming out of her throat. HooHoo I laughed my butt off. Funny huh? Jagoff.

I got the Modest Proposal reference, but it was the Irish kids who were to be eaten. If your going to try and make a literary reference, do it right. But hey, a failed attempt at being funny is a mistake we all make, so calling for your banning is a little premature. YOU need to grow the fuck up a little bit for us, huh?

Yeah, little boy, I tattled on you. What, I’m not your friend anymore? THE HORROR, THE HORROR.

I didn’t think llamasex’s first comment was so terrible. People say that kind of thing IRL all the time with a disgusted look on their face and people know what they mean.

I think that the death penalty would be too humane for these parents. These are not who hate their kids. They did this out of some warped, fucked up idea of love. The lifelong agony of guilt, plus being locked away from humanity works just fine.

I’m in Chicago, am unemployed during the day(not for long though!), and have some free time on my hands. Plus those who know me are well aware of my feelings about kids and abuse ESPECIALLYunder the guise of “religious” discipline. I was a victim of similar but not as severe punishments…I may be offline a little more than I have been lately in the next few days. Perhaps I’ll get a few of my bouncer friends together after work one night and do a road trip…

llamasex, since it seems likely that you may not be around much longer, would you like to take a look at this before you go?


The daughter-murdering fucks are evil, nasty, and extremely disturbed. They depress the hell out of me.

Fine. They’re not the first, they won’t be the last.

I understood an appreciated llama’s initial comment (although I agree that the Swift reference was slightly non sequitur). I too thought it was darkly amusing. Faced with such nastiness that I can do nothing about, disgusted sarcasm and black humor are a reasonable and viable response for me, and for many others.

Now, y’all just tell me how awful I am, and write to the fucking mods to have me banned. Right now. I’m waiting.