You hit him one more time and I gouge your eyes out and....

A thousand kudos, Phlosphr. You are an example of a fine human being.

Phlosphr - well done. So many people would have just stood by without intervening.

Hey, I bet the local media would love this story…especially if the state refuses to do anything about this woman.

You know, I was not expecting the ramifications of what I posted. As much as all of you have commended me, I give back to you the thanks that lay with-in only me. Thank you.

Over dinner last night, my wife and I discussed what happened, and thought about our actions. And as Guy mentioned maybe it would be a good idea to go visit the teen at his home.

We are unsure whether a visit would be appropriate and for now, it isn’t. The response we got from the district nurse was very good, and I found a messege on my voicemail this morning stating that criminal charges may infact be filed. That is out of our control, as the state would be bringing the charges against the worker. The problem lies in the fact that the home would be responsible, because the woman was a liability yet they kept her on staff. Apparently they have had issues with her before.

If charges are formally filed my wife and I would have to give a statement, which would be no problem…

I turn my wonder to the instinctual drive that seems to normally be supressed in me. I can not think why a drive to help another human being would normally be supressed. And now I can not think how the urge to help another person could ever be supressed in me again.

And again, thank you for all the kind words. I hate to sound cliche but if ever there was a turning point for me this would be it. I think class this afternoon will turn to this discussion…

We should all be so lucky to have such a positive watershed moment, and for such a noble cause. Again, may I extend my humble appreciation.

Well done philosphr, not enough people stand up when the time is right. I’m glad that you did.

Good on ya Phlosphr!

“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.”
-Winston Churchill.

Thank you for not hurrying off.


Phlosphr, could you keep us updated?

Yes I will certainly keep everyone updated. As a matter of fact my wife is going to speak to the district administrator a 1pm. I’ll tell everyone what happens after that. I think they do not want us to go to the media or something like that. We’re not interested in that anyway.

A huge YAY! for you, Phlosphr.

I disagree with WhiteLighting as not every facility is as he has described, I know this because I work in one.

hardygirl - I understand your fear and apprehension because there are many horror stories that can be told. Those horror stories can also sometimes make people fail to notice that there are many untold stories of dedication, sacrifice, and success.

The agency I work for employs 2000 people and benefits from the efforts of another 1200 volunteers who are dedicated to making the lives of other people better. Many of the people we serve are developmentally delayed but we also offer services to children, families, immigrants, and the elderly.

I work with a number of developmentally delayed individuals in a residential home and am one member of a staff team of 8. Of those other 7 people there is not one that I would consider incompetent or possessing a bad attitude and would describe them instead, as being extremely talented, dedicated, and caring people. Many of them, myself included, could be making significantly more money if we were to work in other fields but that’s not where our priorities lie.

Our volunteers receive nothing for their efforts except the satisfaction one gains when their efforts improve the life of another.

People who visit our home comment on how nice it is and how happy everyone seems to be. This is because our clients live in a loving and supportive environment where their rights as individuals are respected and their well being is of paramount concern. We operate many other homes where these standards and ideals are upheld to an identical standard.

In my time with this agency and this field there have been a few incidents where serious abuse has occurred despite every precaution being taken to ensure that the staff that are hired are properly screened, trained, and supported. The staff persons committing the abuse have subsequently been suspended and then fired. In one case the staff member committing the abuse had worked with the agency for a long period without incident and in another, the perpetrator was a nurse that was supplied by an outside agency. Neither of these incidents happened where I work.

I briefly worked for another agency and was placed in a home where a number of abusive situations were present. The clients weren’t being physically abused but the abuse stemmed from incompetent supervision, poor organization, and a poorly trained staff team. When I made my concerns known they reflected very poorly on my immediate supervisor and the program coordinator and they had me dismissed from my position in what was an unsuccessful effort to save their own asses.

They fucked with the wrong person.

I took my concerns to the president of the agency who was very shocked and surprised to hear of situation. We talked for hours and in the end the supervisor and program coordinator were released from their duties and the agency itself went under a serious review where many other people were released due to practicing questionable hiring practices and unprofessional conduct.

These are still rare occurrences when you consider how many people are in care.

My present employer practices stringent pre employment screenings and our staff training in regard to teaching abuse prevention is ongoing. Abuse comes in many forms and it is most often not as blatant as physical assault… ie. I could be suspended for yelling at someone because we have a zero tolerance policy and yelling is rightly considered to be emotional abuse.

Institutional changes are needed; our government does not provide adequate funding and in this they are perpetrating a form of financial abuse against one of the most vulnerable segments of our society. The funding that individuals receive is often insufficient to meet their needs and the funding that ours and other agencies receive is also insufficient.

I am working on changing this from the inside and am an advocate for both our clients and the staff I work with. Getting some help from the outside would be great… I would suggest that you speak to your MP or other government representatives and put pressure on them to make changes.

Phlosphr - Abuse is defined as one who exercises power over an individual who has little or none, you used your power to protect someone who was powerless which makes you a hero in the eyes of myself and many others.

Good show.


Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel was once asked:

If you could create an 11th commandment, what would it be?

His answer: **Do not stand idly by **

I’m not sure if you state has one, but this woman should be put on the ‘Child/Elderly Abuse/Neglect’ list (once the investigation finds cause or ‘reason to suspect’, which it should with your statements). In my state, being on that list bars a person from working in nursing homes, MR/DD homes, daycares and youth facilities.

In Missouri, these places are supposed to run Child/Elderly Abuse/Neglect screenings on their employees. Hopefully your state requires this as well. (Of course, then she could move out state and find a job, but maybe technology will soon integrate different state’s lists…)

Good luck and great job!

Once again thank you all for your kind words. The woman in question was dismissed, due in no short part to my wife threatening to go all the way to the state level with the crime. No charges were brought aginst the woman unfortunately. The teens parents called us last night to thank us. His mother started a crying chain reaction between she my wife and I.

The teen is part of a state program for down syndrom children. He also has MS, which makes the hidiousness of the event even more heinous. The teen’s mom was not willing to pursue charges against the woman because it would have been just too much for her. When asked if she wanted out help,she declined. I detected a very tired, woman on the other end of the phone, so I did not push it. I truly feel for this woman, and anyone who can work with those who are developed mentally delayed…

Feynn - you are to be commended as well. you must have a platinum heart.