You killed your neighbour because of a HEDGE?!

So…a hedge-row, huh?

running - quickly!

Isn’t there some controversy over the use of leylandi at all over there? Something about them being invasive and dangerous to the native British ecosystems but so many got planted before this was realized that they’re something like botanical gypsy moths, too widespread and established to control easily? I could swear I read something like this on a garden list a few years ago…

You know, they might look like hedges, but could they really be a group of Killer Christmas Trees standing in a row? Has anyone sung “Oh Tannenbaum” in front of one yet? (God, this could be worse than the UK Triffid infestation of '63…)

I’ve never heard of Leyland cypress being invasive. It’s just that the suckers grow real big.

I’d lief as not get involved in any insensitive punning.

Damn! She’s twigged to the root of our game!

What’s stomata with puns anyway? As long as they’re domestic and not fern…

After all, we wouldn’t want to bracken our reputations, would we?

[sub]I may have to go to Confession after this thread is over…[/sub]

Ah, but why is it only ankle-high? I can well picture one of the neighbors sneaking out at three a.m. to fire the next shot in the Great Hedge Wars: “Too high, the bastard says. Three feet’s not good enough for him. All right, if the arsehole wants a short hedge, I’ll show him a short hedge!”

And if you don’t see this as likely, you must never have lived with a crazy person as a neighbor…

Those hedges have a nasty temper- Killing one guy, and wounding another! Wow!

It was probably an am-bush.

Why be a hog over your hedge?

The accused man is dead. Apparently he hung himself in his cell.

Ira furor brevis est.

people really need help dealing with bush rage. Perhaps we should send them to hedge schools.

If you think the hedge was small, you should have seen the bet.

This is what happens when one homeowner assume hegemony over another.

Maybe the accused wanted more privet-cy, old bean.

Well you know a bird in hand is worth two in the… oh nevermind


“…and a chicken is as good a reason for murder, as any of the other conventional reasons, like a blonde, or a mattress full of money.”


Lots of people murder. You’ve got to admit, this guy is hell of a lot more original than Scott Peterson any day.

To illustrate my twisted mindset, I’ve been muttering Tevye’s aside during the scene in Fiddler on the Roof when Tzeitel and Motel tell him they’re engaged for days, ever since I started reading this thread:

They gave each other a hedge.
Unthinkable! Absurd!

Please don’t ask…