You know who I think would make a fantastic next Doctor?

Rupert Grint as a throwback to Sylvester McCoy/Colin Baker/Tom Baker styling.

I could get behind Rupert Grint. He’s just such an oddly charming guy; I think he could do a good rapscallion doctor.

I have no idea if she could really pull off the role, but I’d pay money to see Olivia Colman at least shoot an audition tape. She can be ludicrously captivating.

I’d love to see her do it as Minka from Hut 33.

We’ve had this discussion before at our house and he was the favorite. My daughter summed up our feelings quite well when she said “because he’d be fun and the Doctor needs a chance to be ginger. He’s always wanted to be ginger.”

To go in a bit of a different direction, Mark Rylance. Playing it like a person who’s been around for ages, seen it all … and therefore is unflappable because whatever happens, he can say “aah, one of those” and he knows what to do. A lot less manic, a lot more “been there, done that.”

The first time post-regeneration that a companion wants to RUN! for the threat of the week, he refuses to run; when the companion asks why they aren’t running, he calmly deadpans “Would it help?” :slight_smile:

“It always has in the past”

I’d love to see John Noble play the Doctor. He’s certainly no stranger to sci-fi television.

Richard Dean Anderson

He’d finally be ginger.

I so want to see this. Not saying it’s necessarily a great idea, but I would be so entertained…
OK, maybe I am saying it’s a great idea.

Benedict Cumberbatch of course Sherlock should be a timelord


Alan Partridge knows that the only ones who will benefit from the pedestrianisation of Norwich will be Daleks.

Ben Whishaw seems the perfect blend of curiously odd for the role.

Sam Neill.

Hugh Grant.
