You laughed when they went after the Teletubbies

I wonder what Dobson thinks of George Bush’s endorsment of Satanic worship?

I doubt he knows what he’s even doing. Did you see the video where he flips the cameraman the bird? Not that I care, but it would be quite a hoot to have Dobson comment on that one.

Yeah, what’s the deal with that? Is it legit?

Yeah. I’ve seen it. To be honest, it’s pretty funny, and doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Maybe Dobson would shrug it off, I don’t know; but it would be interesting to see his reaction.

Well, here’s what they’re upset about:

This is the evil the poor naive sponge has been enlisted to promote :frowning: .
Some dubious crap about people respecting each other! This must be stopped!!!

Why…why, Something must be done about this! Everyone, write your Congressperson! Start a petition, call the papers! Circle the wagons, send women and children to high ground! Stand your ground, men, and show no mercy!

THIS shall not stand!!!

(more Krabby patties for me, hehe)

Kind of reminds me of a few years back, when some of the more hysterical Tighty Rightys were all in a dither about Big Bird, how his promotion of the value of “sharing” was an insidiously veiled attempt to propagandize collective ownership, which leads directly to…to…no, I can’t say it, its too hideous for polite company.


<gasps> I need air!

<keels over in faint>

I shudder at the thought of the “c” word.

Am I the only one who thinks it would be a good thing if Dr Dobson died tomorrow, or at the very least came down with a chronic and untreatable case of rectal itch?


I’m hoping for terminal rectal itch, myself.

For Dr. Dobson, that is. :smack: :smack:

I’m hoping he wakes up with terminal vaginal itch. :eek:

How old is Dobson, and did anybody pick him in the Death Pool?

What makes you so sure he doesn’t suffer from it already?

That could explain a LOT.


He’s still alive, so if he’s got it, it’s obviously not severe enough.

Maybe he is jumping the shark and baiting us with his carping, but I hope Dobson flounders. The whole thing sounds fishy to me. Could he be trying to save our soles? Or is he doing it for the halibut?

I find the whole thing sort of tiresome, in a sort of “seen it too many times already” kind of way.

I wish they would just get it over with and give it a fair try. Then, if they liked it, they could be all guilt ridden and OD on some caustic substance in order to mortify the flesh and we would be rid of them. Remember Mort Sahl? “Show me a preacher with two suits and I’ll show you a hustler.”