You laughed when they went after the Teletubbies

What, you wouldn’t like to “be done” with the Klan? You figure we weren’t better off “being done” with the Nazis? If you’ve got sociopaths hiding behind the shield of “religious freedom and tolerance” so they can spew their hate-based filth, I say call them on their bullshit and stop them dead in their tracks, if possible. I’m not suggesting we cart them off to the ovens, prick, so don’t put fucking words in my mouth. There are plenty of moral and ethical ways to deal properly with poisonous idots like this spiritual quack Dr. Dobson; but I tend to think this guy gets his filthy soapbox because it’s got a big crucifix on the side of it. I think that’s disgusting.

Fascist? Fuck you. These asswipes are the fascists, and we let them be because they claim to answer to a “higher power”. Bullshit. When somebody can go around spreading hate and bigotry of this corrosiveness and sheer inanity, he doesn’t belong on a pulpit, IMO, he belongs behind fucking bars. But I’ve got to sit idly by, mealy-mouthed and cowardly, so as not to run afoul of these lunatics who would claim God-fearing folk such as themselves are oppressed by infidels? Fuck that. Shove your accusations of fascism up your ass.

They just played the video on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olberman. While I would have hated to watch that as a kid (and didn’t really like it now either), there was nothing remotely to do with sexuality of any kind.

Now the intro to this episode of CSI, on the other hand… Though I think it’s a rerun, now that I look at it.

And this is the year 2005? This is sad, it really is. Its taking a lot longer than we thought, huh? :frowning:

You know what’s fucking scary? Thus maniac, Dobson, the man who wishes us to know that Spongebob, a cartoon sponge, is a dire faggot threat, is one of Bush’s chief embassadors to the Christian Right. And he’s all about quid pro quo:

We think this shit is a hoot. Hah-hah! Spongebob Fancypants! Boy, what’ll they think of next. Folks, unfortunately, these people are serious. Not only that, they have the President’s ear. That’s beyond fucked up. The “leader of the free world” is potentially beholden to a man, who, with po-faced seriousness, wishes us to know that SquarePants+Sister Sledge = Insidious Homo Recruitment. This is not funny. This is lunacy.

So far, I have yet to see a single episode of the Teletubbies. That will undoubtedly change soon, as my son is 14 months old, and I’ll probably know far more than I want to know about a host of current kiddie TV shows.

Not long ago, my wife and I were with a group of other parents, all of whom were teasing us about the wonderful programs we had to look forward to watching (apparently, there’s a lot of Bob the Builder in my future).

At that point, I jokingly asked them, “So, since I’ve never seen the Teletubbies, tell me- IS Tinkywinky gay?”

I was kidding. Understand that.

At that, all our friends started looking at each other hesitantly. And the answers I heard were, “Ummm… I think so.” “Definitely.” “It sounds weird, but… he HAS to be.”

Mind you, NONE thought this made the program immoral or unfit for their kids to watch. But ALL of them were pretty sure the makers intended Tinkywinky to be a gay character.

Perhaps they’re all delusional. Perhaps they’re just paranoid homophobes. But I suspect the producers of MANY kiddie shows have a warped sense of humor, and deliberately stick in such naughty jokes, jokes that would go over the heads of the kids.

Now, I DO watch Spongebob regularly, and I love the show. I haven’t seen anything yet that strikes me as gay… but would it shock me to learn that there are subtle, campy innuendoes that I (as a clueless, middle-aged straight guy) just don’t get? No, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

He wears pants. He’s on TV. Obviously he’s gay.

Well, Mighty was a little zaftig. ;j

And Jesus spake unto the Nickelodians, saying

“Yea, who liveth forever in the eternal pineapple, under the Red Sea?
He the is one who absorbs much, is full of pores, and the color of straw.
If ye wish my Father to grant unto thee the riches of nautical nonsense,
Drop to the sand, and do not eat fish on Fridays.”

Heheheh. :wink:

Correction–he wears square pants.

Pants on TV=maybe gay. Squarepants on TV=definetly gay…


How does one communicate helpless laughter on a bb?

Thank you for brightening my morning!

pssst–is it a really looooong tentacle? I like big tentacles…big, squishy, green ones!

You know, now that I think about it, those pants do have an ass hatch. Hmm.

The title of this thread is “You laughed when they went after the Teletubbies.” I think I’m gonna laugh at this, too. Unless this is supposed to be an echo of Pastor Martin Niemoller’s words:

First they came for the Teletubbies,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Teletubby.
Then they came for Spongebob,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Sponge.
Then they came for the Muppets,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Snuffleupagus.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to say I wasn’t gay.

Now that is why I hang out at the STMB, Marley that was brilliant.

Not that I know anything whatsoever about childrens television or anything, but if I were going to say any show was promoting a gay agenda it’d have to be The Wiggles.

I mean, what’s with the group of rainbow colored men, a-singin-and-a-dancin with a group of precious little childrens? Why, if’n I didn’t know better, i’d even say they was furriners. :rolleyes:

I suppose it’s easier to slander a drawing than an actual group of people.

I know it’s completely Un-Christian of me (which is fortunate for me, not being Christian and all) but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I am completely fucking intolerant of people like Dobson. They have the right to be heard, to be sure, but after they have their say, society ought stick them back under the slimy, dank rock from whence they originally slithered.

Dobson is referring to a video produced by the We Are Family Foundation that will air in March featuring various famous kids’ stars singing a new version of We Are Family about tolerance. It appears to be the biggest gathering of fictional talent since Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue.

Worse. They’re Aussies.


That’s why God invented beer, so the Aussies wouldn’t rule the world.

Hate to spoil the Strawman Dobson burning, but here’s his statement from his site- not QUITE the same as the News Media is peddling…

I myself thought Dobson was jumping the shark on this one, but it looks like he may well be taken out of context, IF the tolerance pledge WeAreFamily organization is the same one that put out the video.

What exactly is out of context here? How is this not positively nutty?

Is this a new usage for “jump the shark”?