You laughed when they went after the Teletubbies

whispers to Metacom Read post #10:slight_smile:

I would not have figured you to be into tentacle porn!! :slight_smile:

Paging Tentacle Monster!!!

Actually, this is not so much humorous as depressing – I’ve seen some actual comments from people describing themselves as Christian to the effect that “tolerance” is unGodly. It took most of what I have to refrain from giving back to them what they were preaching.

You were whooshed first. :slight_smile:

Well, doing it is healthy enough, but all that thinking about it could give a homophobe a stroke.

Of course, one might say that a good stroke is what these people need…

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Just… :eek:

I don’t really want to be a near occasion of sin, Poly (do Episcopalians have that, BTW, or just Papists?), but I kinda wish you hadn’t exercised that much restraint.

It might be interesting to learn their reaction when you rejoined with, “So, in order to be Godly, I should be not tolerating your Pharisaic behavior here, right?”


yanceylebeef, don’t apologize for Dobson or I will have to apologize as well. I live in Topeka, Kansas, and you know what that means! :smiley:

Polycarp, if you are ever in Topeka, be sure to let me know. We could attend services at Grace Cathedral, and maybe, if you aren’t lucky, you could see He Who Must Not Be Named across the street! :stuck_out_tongue: (Course, anyone is welcome to visit our church, just being a fellow haughty Episcopalian with Poly)

It sounds like Dobson has a case of the Mr. Crabs.

Post “10” you say? Never heard of such a thing. Nope, doesn’t exist. Good thing too, because it proves you did get the joke and makes my post redundant. :wink:

“Vy iz it zat you zee a pro-homozekzual azenda in ze inkblots?”

“Don’t ask me – you’re the one with all the damn dirty queer pictures!”

You know, every so often, I read these fora and think, “Maybe I ougtta lay off the wingut Jesus Freaks. Intolerance is so unbecoming.”

But then stories like this shitcan that entire sentiment. Fuck these people with a grappling hook. They’re diseased. Why do I have to be “tolerant” of assholes such as “Dr.” Dobson? He seems like a right douchebag, if you ask me; and I’m grasping for any more reasons not to wish Dobson and his ilk would all FOaD post-haste. “Sponge Bob will Make Your Children Gay”? When you realise these people are for-fucking-real, no-shit, convinced of this idiocy, don’t you sorta think it’s time somebody finally had the balls to diagnose these whack-jobs as such?

Fucking religious fanatics. When does it finally become socially acceptable to simply recognize their pathology for what it is and somehow be done with their madness?

ylb: I just wish the Reverand Doctor Dobson and his ilk would just get their collective minds off buggery. It can’t be healthy thinking about it all the time. Really.

Maybe if they did something with their brains a little more challenging than scrutinizing children’s cartoons, they’d have more interesting things to think about. (Hey, I’m not suggesting it can’t be interesting to think about buggery now and again. But these guys are just over-focusing, y’know?)

Now, now, now; that’s easy for you to say. Put yourselves in the shoes of someone who not only hasn’t gotten any, but hasn’t dared to look for any, for thirty years…

Different nutjob.

It’s good to know that if Jerry Falwell can’t fulfill his duties that we have a replacement.

And to think my old church didn’t understand why I removed Dr. Dobson’s Focus on the Family leaflets from my bulletins, preferably by shaking them out. I find rage to be a bit incompatible with serving on the alter.

As for some Christians finding tolerance to be un-Christian, I still remember a case I read about in the newspaper back when I was in college. It seems a woman was suing the local school district because they taught books which went against her Christian beliefs (there was a private school run by her church in town). One of the books she objected to was The Diary of Anne Frank because it “promoted tolerance of other religions”! Yes, I still remember that after about 20 years. I remember it because it left me spluttering with outrage since, to me, tolerance is an essential part of being a Christian! Sheesh! Back to good old Matthew 25:45: “I tell you this: anything you did not do for one of these, however humble you did not do for me.”


. . . . Two o’clock, at the Motel 6 on the edge of town. Wear a skirt.

You should feel fortunate their not as fascist as you appear to be, else they’d “be done” with you by now, eh?

Mighty Mouse snorting coke?

All those carbs.
How’d he fit into his microscopically small tights?