I say let them have their cannon–but don’t let those idiot students make the damn thing again!
I read about this.
Filthy shits!
The poor kid derserves sympathy, he gets threats!
They’re making a movie about it titled Friday Night Lack of Priorities.
As a member of a marching who travels to all away football games, let me say that I HATE THOSE F’ING CANNONS!!
We don’t have one, and whenever we go to an away game, other schools set those things off (in one stadium it pointed right at us!) and scare the living daylights out of us! Not to mention that since we always get put in the non-preferential stands, we end up choking on the smoke they produce.
That being said, this kid is getting crap treatment for something that isn’t his fault and that sucks. It would also suck if their tradition disappeared, but that’s no reason to threaten the guy!
If they really insist on some military ambience for thier intramural sports, couldn’t they use bayonets? They’re quiet.
You made the mistake of going head to head with Texas on this one. You should know by now that everything is bigger in Texas. Texas A&M had another tradition of building a gigantic bonfire for its Homecoming football game.In 1999, the bonfire pile collapsed while it was being built killing 12 students and injuring 27 others. There were similar threats for people not to make a big deal about it and keep the tradition going. They started the tradition back in 2002.
It looks to me like Washington needs to see a few more ceremonial casualties before it can compete for the title.
Shagnasty Could you check the California Lottery website results for December 23, 2006, and email me the winning numbers? My email is in my profile. I’ll be checking my inbox on December 21, 2006 at about 10:00 a.m., PST.
What a bunch of douchebags.
Wow, my spell checker knows how to spell “douchebags”.
Maybe some traditions are timeless.
Could be, but I’m not one to pass up an opportunity just because it seems outlandish.
At least, not one with such a big potential benefit.
I think they should ban football at the school permanently, and plow the field up to plant dandelions - as a symbol of something more important than high school football - just to show everyone that death or serious injury threats over or about a fucking football game are beyond stupid.
Well, that cannon was blown apart, wasn’t it? Seems to me the tradition resolved itself.
The safest approach, if one must fire off a cannon, is to get a nearby army artillery unit to set up a field gun and fire a blank round. They’re trained professionals with well-maintained equipment (none of this once-a-year crap). If people would learn to think rationally about stuff like this, the world would be a better place.
The OP is confused. Football is big in Texas, cannon firing not so much.
It’s a sad state story for sure, but in Texas we’d just say, “Fuck the cannon then, just snap the damn ball”.
Ah, but you misunderstand. They’re not threatening this kid because he has so far failed to end football, they’re threatening him because he has so far failed to end the use of explosives in crowded areas.
I really hope that those calls can be traced, and every one of those dumbasses is arrested and jailed.
I’ll buy that.
On second thought…
I note that was in November–not exactly a time of year associated with “good will toward men” and all that.
At football games in Texas, they say “I wish some of those boys from Western Pennsylvania would come down here and show us how to play football.”
IME they shout insults and curses at opposing fans and stare at them menacingly while waving around 5 foot tall axe handles :eek:
I nearly pitted this, but opted instead to put a post on the Seattle PI site. Quick items to keep in mind:
- The cannon was built by a high school metal shop class.
- It has been in continuous use for thirty years without replacement, and it is fired at the beginning of each home game, and after every home team touchdown
- They x-rayed it earlier this year and discovered a stress fracture in the cannon. They chose to continue using it anyway
I keep trying to think of a closing statement which encapsulates how stupid the school administration is, but it’s honestly beyond words. I’m not a weapons expert, but doesn’t this violate about every best practice for weapon use in existence?
Forget the cannon - it’s the school administrators who are too dangerous to have in proximity to the students.
Yeah, they should be fired, too–preferably out of a cannon.