You *think* you are a badass xmas baker? List your ingredients.

My grandmom here is a baker galore…Every Christmas she bakes up a storm for her 3 daughter’s families. Here is the list of what she used to bake her cookies and breads this year:

1 kilo = 2.2 lbs

Cookies, about 20 different types:
10 kilos of flour
8 kilos sugar
10 kilos butter
60 eggs
12 chocolate bars
3 kilos crushed walnuts
700 grams shredded coconut
4 packages powdered chocolate
4 large jars of jam

Vanocky (a traditional Czech Christmas bread)
4 kilos flour
1 kilo butter
16 eggs

The amounts of cookies floating around are amazing- I was given a shoe-box stuffed full to take to the office…for just this week. I get another for next week…

I am definitely going on a diet next week…


For 450 mini cinnamon rolls at work:

432 grams yeast
1.95 kilos sugar
121 grams salt
3.6 liters water
20 egg
935 milliliters buttermilk
865 grams butter
10.4 kilos flour

3 kilos sugar mix
3.5 kilos soft butter
lots of cinnamon

Forgot to mention, the above was just ONE special order for the holidays. You should have seen what we had to do last January when the First Lady came to the grand re-opening of our library.

4 batches of Pizzeles.sifted Flour required, no flour sifter,I have to sift 7 cups of flour with a tea strainer.

I’d tell you my wife’s secret hard candy recipe, but then the agency would have to terminate you…

Oh yes, and me as well.
