You unspeakable barbarian!

According to this story, Susan Winn “was in critical condition Monday after her son allegedly beat her when she scolded him for washing an iron skillet with soap.”

Peter Winn Clarkson, you bastard. Do you have any idea how long it takes to properly season a good cast-iron frying-pan? And then some schmuck like you comes along a throws a bunch of fucking detergent at it? That’s a bloody week of eggs and pancakes that are going to stick to the goddamn pan and tastle like bloody iron oxide! A properly seasoned frying pan just needs to be wiped off with paper-towel or a clean rag. Until some asshole comes along and soaks it in SOAPY WATER, you excoriable creep. You’re 38 years old, and your mother has tried to give you the benefit of this wisdom, according to your brother:

[sub]Giving your own mother multiple skull fractures doesn’t exactly endear you to me either.[/sub]

Boy, do I feel gyped. My mother used to get angry if I didn’t wash the cast iron skillet with soap and water. If there was the slightest trace of grease on it, she would make me do it again. I knew it always felt wrong. Now I know why.

Shera, did you ever feel like bracing yourself with a few snorts of He-Man Fine Whisky and givin’ her one upside the head for it?
[sup]No, seriously…[/sup]

I can answer that qustion with an honest “No.” Although, that whiskey does look pretty interesting. I’ll try it, but only if you do it first. :smiley:

uh… that’s * question*, not qustion

Cripes, I hope he never intended to cook chili in that pot.
Oh shit, sorry wrong thread…