You wanna know who was fucking creepy?

That fucking mystic magician with the gold suit and the painted on moustache on the Bozo Show. That motherfucker skeeved me out when he would hold his medallion up to the camera and go “Doodeedoodeedoodeedoodeedooooo…”.
Goddamn that guy was fucking creepy.

Okay. I know it’s August, and the Cubbies are doing good. But maybe it’s time to step away from the edge. You know in your heart they’re going to fold. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow or maybe next week. It will be okay. There’s always next year or next decade or more likely next millenium. Really it’s ok. It’s just the August Angst. Take my hand. You’ll be fine. Leave the clowns alone. Please.

Um, ok.

You wanna know what’s REALLY creepy?

Starting a thread w/o context or reference to why said thread is started…

I always found Mr Roger’s Neighborhood creepy–not Fred Rogers himself, but his hand puppets and Mr McFeely (great name for an adult on a kiddie show).

Wizzo. Holy shit that dude creeped me out as a kid.

I always thought he was kinda boring.

I met the guy once with his makeup off. You think Wizzo looked creepy on the show, man, let me tell you. You have no idea.

You’re mean. Leave me my hope.

I, uh, don’t really see a thread here. More of a random thought that popped into someone’s head and then landed on a message board.