I know the job market’s tough and companies have alot of applicants. I don’t really expected them to contact each applicant to tell them they* haven’t *been hired, even after an interview. What I really fucking hate is managers that go out of their way to tell me that “We’ll let you know either way”, then don’t. :mad: What the fuck is up with that? Why specifically tell people you’ll conact them, and don’t. Again I’m not asking to be contacted; there’s the ones bring the subject up. Just be honest and tell me that if I don’t hear back from you you’ve gone with someone else. I’ve had the exact same fucking thing happen with the last 3 interviews I’ve gotten; and I’m waiting on a 4th. It can’t be for a lack of contact info either since both my ph#s an email address is on the application and my resume; and I got a phone call to scheduale the interview as well an email confirming it.
They might like to think they’re developing a professional relationship, when really it’s just a bunch of faceless people doing a bunch of generic data processing–poke the database, bump a bunch of resumes up against a new job description, and then email the form letter out to all the people on the resumes. If they hear back from 1/10th of the ones they send out, that’s probably a good day, so they haul out their script and go to the next step, where they send the applications in to the client company where they’re looked at by somebody who actually knows what the job is; most of them get rejected out of hand and not by sending the info back to the guy at the employment agency… they just get dumped.
So, the guy at the agency is trying to make you seem like a valued asset even though you’re not; to be honest, he’s also trying to make HIMSELF feel like a valued asset, when the guy at the client company won’t even give him the time of day, or the honor of a callback saying “Hey, those 152 people you submitted for this job? They all suck.”
But I’m not bitter.
Oooooh, I feel your pain. One of my peeves is companies, medical clinics and such that build web pages that include ‘contact us’, simply fill out this form to reach us. And then nobody ever, ever gets back to you. Why bother with the expense of an extensive site, with loads of spin about how very wonderful they are and then…crickets This is supposed to give me confidence in your medical services? It’s a busy clinic, with a great reputation, and I was thinking I could avoid the phone tree and save a phone call. I was wrong. If you’re not going to monitor it, take it off the web site! I don’t get it either.
I hope you proof read your resume better than that post.
It’s been my experience, from both sides of the hiring process, that if you’re a prime candidate for the job, you’ll hear from them right away. But if they hire someone else, they wait until that person accepts their offer, shows up to start work, and shows signs of working out, before sending out a rejection letter to the rest of the applicants. Just in case they need to go back to the list to look for someone else.
If you never hear back at all, that’s bad form…
Only took 3 replies.
Jesus fuck.
You seem perfect for the position, but the hiring committee had a number of concerns. First, we couldn’t help but notice a typo in your post about a typo. While we appreciate the irony, we feel that sort of meta-humor is best reserved for Existentialist novels.
But the larger red flag is your utter lack of compassion…[long diatribe snipped]
It’s pillow talk.
Kind of like after you have a One Night Stand and then you tell the person: “Yeah, sure baby, I’ll call.”
How hard is it to send a form email of rejection to all applicants? At worst, someone has to manually type a few hundred emails somewhere. I think that’s a worthy sacrifice in the name of courtesy and clarity, not to mention acknowledging the time and trouble a candidate went to in putting together the application.
Understanding that the poor overwhelmed employers just have to be rude is bullshit. Nobody is excused from courtesy, even if it takes a couple of hours per job.
The way of the world. For example, how many people send thank you notes when relieving gifts? Answer an RSVP if you’re not attending? Opening doors for others that are behind you?
My pet peeve?..The yahoos who have to shout and whistle at a graduation ceremony for their kid as they walk the stage to get their diploma and who probably just squeezed through with a near failing grade. No sense of decorum or courtesy.
Think about how today’ s children are brought up by example from the parents.
What typo?
nvm, I found it. Proofread is one word not two. :smack: Oh well, I have a job so I don’t have to go through the process of interview, wait, worry, etc. I did that for 6 months. I never expected a reply back even when they said they would, because I know better. How about the OP worry less about not hearing back from an interview and more about applying for additional opportunities? The military is always an option. And what is there to be compassionate about? I can sympathize, but that is about all I can muster.
That’s a really lame false dichotomy you’ve set up.
A few years ago, I was suddenly out of work, right after we’d gotten our first house and first kid [cue massive months-long adrenaline surge].
One of the toughest things was that employers were on such a different time frame than I was. I needed to know NOW; they could wait a few weeks to see if they really needed to hire someone… I never once had a business follow up even if they said they would.
Sucks, but that’s the harsh reality of the business world. I consoled myself with the thought that I didn’t really want to be part of a company that lied to people.
And, yeah, I just had to suck it up and channel that energy into finding the next opportunity (well, more like throwing another handful of shit at the wall, hoping something would stick).
What is the OP even upset about? That he didn’t get a rejection letter or that he didn’t get the job?
Apply to the government, they love rejection letters. The OP will get all he thinks he deserves from the government.
https://www.usajobs.gov/ if he is interested.
Neither one. He is upset about people who promise to do something and then don’t follow through. He said quite clearly in the OP that he didn’t find either of your two scenarios upsetting.
So he pits a potential employer for acting like someone he wouldn’t want to work for anyway. Got ya.
Like trying to nail jelly to the wall…
You seem hellbent on finding something to bitch about and/or pick apart in this scenario no matter what. I get the feeling you just want to fight a little.
I’m willing to take one for the team and have a pointless slapfight with you via PMs if it will give you something to do so you’ll quit shitting up this thread with your whiny horseshit. Maybe it’s hormonal or you just need attention or you just haven’t had a good bitchfest in a bit but send me a PM picking a topic of conversation you’d like to fight about (tell me if I’m pro or con) and let’s leave these nice people to their thread. I’ll be like the nice parent who takes the screaming toddler out to see the fish tank in the front of the restaurant so the adults can eat in peace.
I’m sorry, but I don’t understand how tht was responsive.