In your humble opinion, of course.
Here, attributes can mean a specific body part (nose or butt or what have you) or something more general (skin, height, etc.)
So, the best:
Smile Fun and goofy
Hair I love the color and smooth feel
Eyes Big and brown and expressive
**Calves ** Firm, with some good definition
Skin I have been mercifully blessed with clear, acne-free skin; it’s also olive-hued (Greek genes and all), and I like the kind of browned color.
And the worst:
Stomach Way too much in the way of flab and fat; it would appear I have contracted Dunlap’s disease. Treatment: time on the treadmill, stat.
Thighs See above
Butt See above
Hips See above
Height I’m 5’ 2”, which I think is the average for women of my ethnic group. Still, being able to reach the top shelf in a lab or a grocery store without going to get a chair would be nice.