Your candidate is bad, and mine is as pure as the wind driven snow.

Don’t you know we have separation of church and state in the country!?

You blasted theists are trying to set up some kind of theocracy, but this is really going to far!

Comedy is when your candidate falls in a manhole. Tragedy is when my candidate gets a papercut.

But, but . . . if your candidate wins, then we are going to die!

If someone thinks it’s necessary for a person being buttfucked to lean down for the reacharound, [del]spreading[/del] advancing the homosexual agenda is taking longer that we thought.

Ooo ooo I love this one!


(broken NSFW link to music video)

My *candidate *… need no introduction.
Your *candidate *… don’t even function.

My *candidate *… is like a M16.
Your *candidate *… broken vending machine.

My *candidate *… Rumble in the Jungle.
Your *candidate *… got touched by his uncle.

My candidate is sparkling with wit.
Your candidate is tired and emotional.
You are drunk.

My candidate loves puppies.
Your candidate is burning your dog.

My candidate loves kittens.
Your candidate declawed his outside cat.

I thought I made it clear that while I think Biden was a poor choice, I think Palin was a truly horrendous choice. As I said in another thread, worse than Dan Quayle even. I don’t like Biden and I never have. He is a career liberal leaning politician and I have only left the Republican party this year. He does have foot in mouth disease and I dislike that for high office.

But Palin is just about my worst nightmare. A creationist, meagerly educated PTA mom from Whitetrashville and not very attractive beauty contestant with strong ties to big oil that sounds dumb, acts dumb and I am reasonable sure is fairly dumb. Dumber than Shrub and less qualified.

My candidate’s male parent can beat up your candidate’s male parent.

There aren’t enough of your candidate to change a lightbulb.

Your candidate is afraid of eggs, but my candidate eats eggs for breakfast.

Your candidate has traits common to the opposite gender of their own. My candidate fulfills his or her gender expectations.

Your candidate eats his boogers. My candidate flicks boogers at your candidate, which are quickly eaten by your candidate.

Your candidate’s breath smells like my candidate’s farts.

But when he speaks, even when he speaks stupidly, you’re confident that he does, in fact, know what he’s talking about, since he’s been around for long enough that people know what he’s like. When Bush says stupid stuff, you think he probably knows what he’s talking about, but may well badly misunderstand it. When Palin says stupid stuff, you have serious doubts that she paid attention at all when her handlers drilled her on the subject.

Biden proposed making Iraq a confederation of three states, representing the Kurds, Sunnis, and Shia. Now, that may not work, but the plan does at least at face value show an understanding of the region and the devotion of some thought to the most workable structure there.

Just like that, you have changed my voting patterns forever.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Your candidate hems and haws while he thinks of a nuanced and applicable answer to the question that was actually asked – and is criticized for it.

My candidate responds in a nanosecond with a talking point that only applies to the question asked insofar as it reiterates at least one of the words contained in the question (terrorist? Russia? Supreme Court?) that was actually asked – and is praised for it.

You’re candidate puts ketchup on his hotdog.

My candidate knows how to use apostrophes correctly. :stuck_out_tongue:

You did. I reread your post after I posted my response and went :smack:. then I stopped to do some actual work at work.


As I said in another thread, worse than Dan Quayle even. I don’t like Biden and I never have. He is a career liberal leaning politician and I have only left the Republican party this year. He does have foot in mouth disease and I dislike that for high office.

Leaving the GOP gets easier after a few years. If it makes you feel any better, I think if Professor Tolkien were (a) alive (b) still competent, and (c) American, he’d have been a Republican till at least '00, and possibly '04.

McCain is showing senility. Palin is an idiot. Biden makes gaffs which bother me ,but I have seen long interviews with him and he is intelligent and impressive. Obama is lacking experience but is intelligent enough to use good people to solve our problems.
I want out of Iraq yesterday. Nobody is providing that ,so I will be discontent. It is a big thing to me.

I took this photoyesterday. Is it prophetic?

And you madam are ugly.
But I shall be sober tomorrow.

I’ve actually defended both McCain and Palin.

Detractors were saying they weren’t fit to sleep with mud-wallowing pigs.

I stopped those detractors and said both absolutely were.

But only if they were particularly pretty pigs.