Your digital camera might be able to see and photgraph infrared

I just discovered today that I can see infrared lights on the viewescreen of my Olympus C4040 digital camera, and photograph it as well.

This is a 3-4 year old camera, and I had no idea it could do this until I started screwing around with the camera’s remote control. which I never used before. I noticed the remote apperared to have a rapidly blinking green light on the LCD screen in the back. Then I checked my other remotes, and the lights from all of them showed on the screen, and even more surprising, they showed up when I snapped a picture – I had to turn off the flash, though.

I’m trying to figure out with this might have any practical implications for my picture taking, but I haven’t thought of any yet.

BONUS! Note my Homer Simpson slipper in the pic. My foot goes into his mouth.

I have an HP 315 and it does that, too.

There’s half a dozen threads about this. The controversy a few years ago about cameras that could “see through clothes” was all about this. A little Googling and you’ll be amazed what you can learn.

The LED Museum tests LEDs, and gives picures of their output. They mention this effect quite a bit:

(The site is heavily framed. Select “Discrete LEDs”, “Intrared” on the left, and scroll down to the Roithner Lasertechnik model ELD-920-515-1 920-nm infrared LED.)

Holy crap! Who designed that site?

It’s a 1990s-style flashback, isn’t it? I think it’s just one guy. Gotta love a site whose slogan is, “We put the ‘die’ back in ‘diode’.”… :slight_smile:

My Minolta DiMage S404 does that, but all the remotes I’ve looked at (DVD, VCR, TV) have a pale red glow.

For some reason, the existence of that website is making me smile. :slight_smile: