Your favorite spoken-word segment in a song

Screaming Blue Messiahs - Sweet Water Pools

“You want a cigarette?”
“Hey, those are my guys!”

Two from The Clash:

Ghetto Defendant (with Allen Ginsberg)

Overpowered by Funk (with Futura)

My first Discourse post…

A long time ago (2003), we had a thread about spoken introductions, of which all rules-following responses should fit for this thread. Here is that thread.

God, yes. That’s the only cut from that album that I ever listened to more than once, and 49 years later I still love it. Terrific arrangement, great groove, and Leon’s schtick - for some reason “and I crawled and I snuck” still makes me grin. Excllent choice.

All I know is that
There were rumours he was into field hockey players
There were rumours
So he applied basically
He was gone the next day

The spoken finale of Rigoletto:

"La maledizione!"

Yeah! “I’m so horny, the crack of dawn better look out around me. Heh-heh-heh.” :wink:

My first impulse was to run up on you and do a Rambo
Whip out the Jammy and flat blast both of you
But I didn’t wanna mess up this thirty-seven hundred dollar lynx coat
So instead… I chilled.

Yes! I came in here to post that. Two great bits (and from the latter, the chillingly evocative line, “…and the dead are, but for a moment, motionless”):

I also like the mysterious, German-sounding guy in this techno tune (start at 1:29:10):

Also “my baby looked at me with her great big blue bedroom eyes” is just fun to say!

Boyz II Men - End of the Road. “Girl…”

So good. So genre defining of 90s r&b

Not sure if it is entirely in the spirit of this thread when a performance is most or all spoken word, but here’s a few more that I enjoy.

Arlo Guthrie - Alice’s Restaurant

William Shatner -Rocketman

Baz Luhrmann - “Everybody’s Free” (the sunscreen song)

Two for Scarlax:

King Missile - Detachable Penis

Bongwater - David Bowie Wants Ideas

You’re preaching to the choir.

Shocked that nobody has mentioned the Moody Blues.

Departure, which precedes Ride My See-Saw on their 2nd album, narrated by drummer Graeme Edge:

Be it sight, sound, the smell, the touch.
There’s something,
Inside that we need so much,
The sight of a touch, or the scent of a sound,

Or the strength of an oak with roots deep in the ground.
The wonder of flowers, to be covered, and then to burst up,
Through tarmack, to the sun again,
Or to fly to the sun without burning a wing,

To lie in the meadow and hear the grass sing,
To have all these things in our memory’s hoard,
And to use them,
To help us,

To find…!

The laughing at the end then seamlessly segues into See-Saw.

Post 7.

Henry Rollins on “Bottom”, off of Tool’s first full-length album “Undertow”:

The Electric Light Orchestra’s “Eldorado Overture”:

The dreamer, the unwoken fool,
In dreams, no pain will kiss the brow.
The love of ages fills the head.
The days that linger there in prey of emptiness,
Of burned out dreams.
The minutes calling through the years.
The universal dreamer rises up above his earthly burden.
Journey to the dead of night.
High on a hill in Eldorado…

From the Rolling Stones’ “Emotional Rescue”

“Yes, you could be mine, tonight and every night
I will be your knight in shining ahhhhrmeh
Coming to your emotional rescue
…I will be your knight in shining ahhhhrmeh
Riding across the desert on a fine Arab chahhhhhgeh”

Must be said with a lascivious English accent

Cornershop’s “When the Light Appears, Boy” features Allen Ginsberg reading his poem of the same name and it’s really good. Ginsberg just SOUNDS dissolute and run down over this kind of funk groove.