Your Favourite Foods the Morning After the Night Before

Inspired by the “Best Fast Food to Eat the Next Day” thread.

Back in my undergraduate days, we’d typically opt for Burger King: Whoppers and fries. There were a few exceptions at times, such as when my buddy and I cooked a big spaghetti dinner for the gang at 7:00 am, complete with garlic bread. But it was typically BK.

What about you?

Back in the early 80’s, I’d go to the next town to have drinks with a mate, then crash on the floor at his place, Next morning, I’d get up and walk down to the milk bar around 200M away and buy a small bottle of lemon juice and drink that on the walk back. It was cure or kill. I’d either hold it down and feel better or vomit on someone’s roses and feel better. Either way I was prepared for his Mum’s cooked breakfast.

To quote the drunk in number two, “Food makes me sick.”