Your Gender is important to me.

I’ll take “The Penis Mightier” for $100, Alex.

Considering that like Obsidian Flutterby, I’m most pregnant… I’ll let you make the logical deduction as to what gender I am :slight_smile:

Been a while since high school biology, but doesn’t the adrenal gland produce both estrogen and testosterone?

All bloke, unless paid sufficiently.

Well, the username’s pretty much a dead giveaway …


My name actually is pretty gender-neutral and has led to confusion. So, as I’ve said before:

look!ninjas has chick parts, not dude parts.

Have been mistaken for the wrong gender on other boards so the confusion does not suprise me…

If I kept changing my mind, knew directions to places, and got real shitty once a month in my posts you would eventually be able to figure it out.:wink:

Tikki admits to being a gal.

I’m male, and I have the twig ‘n’ berries to prove it.

Vagina owner checking in here. And if that’s not enough information, I always check “female” on any forms I fill out unless sufficiently monetarily induced otherwise. :smiley:

Despite my username, I fairly often get asked what my first name is or what my gender is. Frustrating, really.

Still producing estrogen here. I’ve always thought my name was pretty feminine, what with ending with an i and all, but people here and elsewhere have mistaken me for a guy before.

Not that you’ll notice me most likely, but I’m a female.

mail (can’t you tell by spelling ;))

My gender like me is an enigma. Is he a boy or is he a girl? Nobody knows.

Vagina holder :dubious: [sub]That doesn’t sound right…[/sub]

While I do not own a penis, I do have visitation rights. (married)

I am a proud owner of all female parts

I’m the proud owner of a penis. We’re like best friends. We go everywhere together. I didn’t really think that much of it at first but it’s kind of grown on me.

At times we disagree on our taste in women, but I suppose all good friends tend to disagree now and then (I do try to keep the little guy happy though…)

STOP it already…that was a figure of speech, not an admission.:stuck_out_tongue:

Well. I’m named myself after a forest. I realized it might confuse some people but I wanted that name so I took it.

I am a man. There are 2 pics of me in the recent photo thread.

My mother had two masculine children. One of them is my brother. I don’t have a sister.