Your Gender is important to me.

contrary to popular opinion I am a MAN… not only a man, but a Manly Man! I drink beer… watch football… like guns, and trucks, Spiketv… None of which actually proves male-ness… but I also got wedding tackle… and that clinches it.

You go, Girl!

Nah, I can’t tell you; I just love not knowing if people are male or female (99% of the time, they are).

I even use ‘spouse’.

Gender non-specific, and proud of it.

Muffin is my real life nickname, which my parents gave me, and with which I grew up.

Here’s a pic.

uhh, male.

All girl, all the time.


She who runs with the wolves

If the pictures they showed us in Sex Ed were correct, I’m female.


Wasn’t Muffin also the personalized license plate that some bad biker dude had in “Newhart”?

Or maybe it was cupcake. It has been 15 years. Oh well.


Mona Lott has boy parts.

I’m a dick (Read: I have a penis…)

I’m a girl, I’m a girl, but my mom won’t admit it

No, wait, yes she will.

Girl through and through.

I thought you was black!

Then I realized I had you and Stuffy mixed up for some reason.



But ever since I turned 38 in June, nobody seems to notice anymore. :smack: