Your lunch today

Can’t eat much till late in the day as I get horrendously sleepy after a regular meal. If I don’t eat at all, I get faint from hunger. Compromise: a banana with a spoonful of peanut butter. blah.

I got to have some of the eCommerce team’s pizza.

We had eggs, bacon, tortillas and Bloody Marys for breakfast. so I guess this here Manhattan is my lunch.

Gods, I love Christmas break!

V-8 juice. That’s my typical lunch.

A Lean Cuisine Tomato Chicken Pesto thingy. Wasn’t that good… had me burping tomato sauce flavored burps for a couple hours. Not impressed.

no lunch today for me.

French Dip sandwich with potato chips.

I visited my favorite sushi place (not great, just good)

It was nearly ruined by my anti-social tendencies :smiley:

Unfortunately, I was seated at the bar next to a high-school couple. For the first few minutes I was subjected to this miserable exchange:

“If you won the lottery, would you break up with me?”
“No, no, of course not.”
“Yes you would. You’d go to Vegas and forget me.”
“No, I’d never do that.”
“What if you get accepted to one of your east-coast schools? You’ll forget me.”
“No, no baby”
“Yes you will”
“No, no”
“No, no”

After about five minutes I wanted to scream at these fools - "Yes! Guess what! You go to different schools, you WILL break up! You’re fucking kids! And kids can’t manage a long-distance relationship! Trust me, I saw dozens of high-school relationships dissolve when I went to college! Just accept it now, and move on! People change a lot in college, hell, I’ll put $500 on your relationship NOT lasting! It just won’t work!

I’m out of Hormel Compleats™, so I’ll have to grab something from the convenience store on my lunch break in about, oh, 45 minutes or so.

Went out for Chinese last night.

So lunch today is 1/3 portions of three different entrees. Chineserific!

Campbell’s Classic Chicken Noodle with mini Ritz crackers.

It was… just ok.

Yesterday I had low-fat cottage cheese and fat-free mini pretzels.

Today I’m going to the salad bar, baby. Asiago and romaine. Mmmmmm.

Ham and swiss with brown mustard on a multi-grain bread. Pretzels. Carrot sticks. Lime seltzer.

Earlier I had some instant oatmeal at my desk as my mornign coffee-break snack.

I have a banana for later.

We’re having lunch catered this week because of a software conversion.

Today, we ordered from PeiWei’s. I had the stock velvet Kung Pao chicken with white rice and crab wontons.

The company doesn’t pay for a Christmas lunch anymore, so my team pitched in eight dollars each to bring in some food for a buffet. I got some pizza, chicken wings, BBQ meatballs, potato salad, and crackers & dip.
I’m new to the team, so my cube is currently on a different floor. Because there now aren’t any empty cubes near my team today (because the 2 empty cubes are being used for the buffet), I had to take my plate of food back to my cube and eat by myself, as usual.
I’m done now, so I’ll take a trip back up to get some cookies and pie.

the last of my homemade chicken soup.

Today is Wednesday, so the cafe serves the only meal that I eat here on the company campus.

Buffalo chicken wrap, extra tomatoes, and extra hot sauce; potato puffs dipped in Adobo Chipotle hot sauce.

Thats just sad. :frowning:

Mind you, Christmas lunch at my place of work was pretty tragic too. I work in a supermarket, so the lunch was over 2 days. I have annual leave today (its Xmas Eve in New Zealand) so nothing would get me there today. But I got to yesterdays at the tail end (it went from 11 till 2) & all that was left was cold ham (that had been sitting around for God knows how long) buns, dips, crackers & dessert. Since I didn’t want food poisoning I just had dessert.

Today I’m making dips for Xmas, so I’m cleaning the food processor of pesto, tapenade, etc with slices of bead! :stuck_out_tongue:

Combination fish/shrimp plate with fried rice at a local Mexican seafood joint. It satisfied.

Today I had the rest of my spaghetti with spinach meatballs and the last two meatballs and I lied and told my son that there weren’t any meatballs left while I surreptitiously heated them. Go ahead, pit me. I did that. They were worth it. :stuck_out_tongue: