Your MOST favourite....

The long road trip my wife and I took to the Canadian Maritimes. We caught up with friends in Halifax, got into history in Charlottetown, and marveled at the tides in the Bay of Fundy.

YMF 2003 event?

The birth of my youngest son, who’s now looking into colleges, God help us…

YMF 2004 event?

My 2-week trip to Vienna, including photographing the Transit of Venus (see my avatar).

YMF 2005 event?

Is that how your cat got her name?

Anyway, MMF event of 2005 was my first day at law school.

YMF 2006 event?

Shortly after I got the kitten, she crawled into a bookcase of travel books, then pushed out a book on Vienna. :smile_cat:

My favorite 2006 event was the Democrats’ winning control of both houses of Congress.

YMF 2007 event?

Easy, birth of my first daughter. Now she’s a (shudder) teenager, but I won’t hold that against her.

YMF 2008 event?

Easy, the 2008 Presidential election.

YMF 2009 event?

My son’s upsharen.

YMF 2010 event.

My 8th decade seeing a MLB game, Houston. Could have been the 9th, but in the 30s, people didn’t take toddlers to serious ball games.

Fav 2o11 event.

Three weeks in Southern France, spending time in towns from Bordeaux and Carcassonne, through Provence and the Riviera, including Monaco. Lots of wine, art history and sunshine.

YMF 2012 event?

Not really a single event, but my cousin’s wedding. She got married in Greece, because her mother was Greek, so half her family was there. My mother and I traveled together, and even though my mother had been diagnosed with the cancer that would eventually kill her, she was in remission, and doing well. It turned out to be her last trip abroad (she made dozens in her life), and she had a fantastic time. So did I. It was my first time in Greece, which is a beautiful country. The wedding was in Santorini, where my cousin’s mother was from, and then my mother and I spent five days in Athens. We were there altogether almost two weeks.

Just as a footnote, my cousin’s marriage has been very successful so far, producing a beautiful daughter-- the only kind of unfortunate note is that my cousin has had to deal with a toddler during the pandemic, which has to be difficult, and once she realized this was going to go on a long time, look for a way to manage socialization with other children for her daughter which is developmentally so important.

Wow. Did not mean to go on like that.


YMF 2013 event.

President Obama’s second inauguration. An uplifting and patriotic occasion, full of hope for the future.

YMF 2014 event?

My son officially starts Hebrew school. He’s been in the Judaics for several years, but he begins learning Hebrew as a subject this year.

YMF 2015 event.

SCOTUS makes SSM lawful nationally in the Obergefell decision.

YMF 2016 event?

Attending a rugby match between the Irish national team and the New Zealand All Blacks, at Soldier Field. I was with two friends of mine, who are Irish, and Ireland won the match, beating the heavily-favored All Blacks. It was an exciting time, and being in a section filled with Irish folks, who were excited beyond belief, was awesome.

YMF 2017 event?

Flew to Manila to marry, sight unseen, the woman who would become my care-giver after a stroke, now in our fourth year together.

YMF 2018 event?

I’d have to say that it was appearing in a summer theatre production of 12 Angry Men. I had done community theatre before, mostly musicals and comedies, so it was a treat to be cast in a drama. And we got great reviews!

Most favorite 2019 event?

Absolutely and without a doubt, the boychik’s Bar Mitzvah!

And thank HaShem he isn’t a year younger, so he had a real, live, in-person Bar Mitzvah.

YMF 2020 event, so far, if you have one.