Your MOST favourite....

My and the Heiress’s 30th wedding anniversary.

YMF thing you hope for in 2021?

That if I die in my sleep, nobody heroically wakes me. Dying is something I only want to go through once. Which is apparently the minimum


Pass on, you mean…?

YMF painting?

I meant I didn’t want to make the decision to continue endlessly into the future. The thread, that is.

A Grigorescu I saw in a museum in Iasi.

Fav sculpyutr

Daniel Chester French’s seated Lincoln: Statue of Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln Memorial) - Wikipedia

YMF song since 2000?

Devils and Angels,” by Toby Lightman, from 2004.

YMF video game of all time?

on-line monopoly, even though it’s easy to win 90%

Fav MLB team

Toronto Blue Jays.

Favorite NFL team?

Whoeveer has a chance to beat the Patriots

Fav film you saw this year

Hamilton, the filmed version of the musical. Good stuff.

YMF American Framer?

James Madison

YMF autobiography

The Garner Files: A Memoir. James Garner told some awesome, funny stories about his career, and came across as humble and self-deprecating.

YMF actor from the black-and-white film era?

Irene Dunne

YMF non-human actor


Fav Muslim

Steven Demetre Georgiou…aka Cat Stevens…aka Yusuf Islam

YMF person who changed his/her name

Arnold Dorsey to Engelbert Humperdinck

YMF green vegetable

Green Beans.

YMF town/city outside the USA

Hargeisa, Somalia

Fav stranger you met traveling

I was walking in Paris, and a guy came up to me and said something in French. I speak a little French, but not much, but I was able to say “I don’t speak French very well.” He repeated what he had said, a little louder. So I repeated my response too. He was started to get really impatient with me and a little angry.

Turned out, the guy was another American tourist who had assumed I was French, just like I had assumed he was French. We had a good laugh over the situation. And I was able to answer his question, in English.

YMF childhood birthday gift?

A 10-speed bike. I rode everywhere.

YMF gift received as an adult?