Your Nomination(s) For Worst Film Of 2010

I didn’t see it – and I’m interested to see if anyone in this thread will cop to seeing it – but the commercials for Furry Vengeance with Brendan Fraser should at least get it in the running for worst movie of the year. A raccoon (or some other small animal) kicks Brendan in the balls, and five seconds later he’s dancing with 20 or so poorly CGI’d animals. Although, now that I think about it, I did laugh at how terrifically bad it was, so maybe that in and of itself should take it out of the running… but I was laughing at the sheer awfulness… man, talk about a paradox.

I didn’t see a huge amount of movies this year. However, for me the worst was Skyline. Gawwdd it was bad. Moreso because I had hope it would be decent.

Killers was pretty horrible.

Ummm…I think he knew that.

However, I am so glad Highlander went from I to III. Why they skipped 2 is a bit weird.

Hey! My wife dragged me to Mamma Mia and…I LIKED it!

{hangs head in shame}

I really don’t know how you did it. I cringed so much during their awful rendition of “Dancing Queen” that I think I was in a fetal position by time it ended. And the whole theater literally laughed every time Pierce Brosnan did what in his own mind he considers “singing.”

I agree.

This reminds of the time I went to see Ghost Ship(2002). It has ghost in the title so I figured it would be kinda scary. I spent the whole movie waiting for the scary when the credits started rolling.

Said by the guy behind me with the astoundedness of someone who didn’t know you could actually make a bad film:

There was a pause between each iteration while he pondered the suckitude.

You hoped a movie with a 14% rating at Rotten Tomatoes would be decent? That’s some powerful hope.

I took it very light hearted with the actors and me in on the joke I guess. I don’t know, I enjoyed the movie and left up-lifted.

Brosnan is in no way thinking he is a good singer. In an interview before the movie came out when he was promoting it someone asked him if they (the directors & co) asked him if he could sing. He said it never came up :smiley:

That’l teach me not to look before I went!

No, I went because my son, now 27, called and asked if I wanted to go. Since he doesn’t do that all that often anymore, I went. The previews looked like it could be fun and I didn’t look at rotten tomatoes on opening night.

I nominate The Other Guys. My friend tried to convince me that it was more than just the usual Will Ferrell screaming a lot and acting like a baby film. It wasn’t. Even Cop Out I actually managed to finish, but I had to turn The Other Guys Off after 28 minutes.

Partial credit for the line “you shot Jeter? Man, you shoulda shot A-Rod!”

Secretariat gets a pass because of Craig Ferguson’s bit with the horse costume and silly dance. His bit ran much longer than the movie was in theaters.

Bump(resurrection) starts here

I’m bumping this because the Razzies came out last night and they went with The Last Airbender for worst movie.

I would say Shrek Forever After is still the worst movie I saw in 2010(though Gnomeo and Juliet would top my list if it came out then).
Did anyone see Furry Vengeance? It’s what Aint-It-Cool says should have dominated the razzies, along with Gulliver’s Tales.

I saw neither, though. Anyone see those gems?
Here is the Razzie list.

It focuses on **Sex and the City 2 **and The Last Airbender.