Your psychological theories about why people who shop at natural food stores are so damn rude

My pet theory: new agey value systems promote the extension of goodwill to the universe at large but not to actual people who are right in front of you.

I’ve never had a problem.

What is the evidence that such shoppers are rude, let alone ‘damn rude’?

Never experienced this problem, so I’m gonna go with “predisposition on the part of certain other shoppers to be offended.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Not eating meat makes you want to sink your teeth into fellow humans. :wink:

I’ve seen this happen, though not on a really consistent basis.

My theory: Preservatives prevent you from turning into a pretentious prick.

I’ve seen this. I think it’s a holier-than-thou syndrome.

This is what I would say. And this type of behavior can apply to pretty much everything: parenting, exercising, vegetarianism (or lack thereof), people who choose not to have a TV, people who only read one type of literature, etc. I think it has a lot to do with wanting to be right so much that other people who don’t believe what you do must be wrong and therefore inferior.

I don’t often run across many people who are overtly like this in any particular area other than parenting and vegetarian message boards, though I have noticed it a time or two while browsing through Whole Foods. Not every time, though.

By the way, Anaamika, lest you think I’m stalking you by quoting you so often in these threads, I’m really not - I just happen to agree with you a lot and you tend to state things more concisely than I do (hence my username).

I’ll go with this as well. I’ve seen rude people at every store I’ve ever shopped in. You may simply be looking for it more at natural foods stores.

If you haven’t noticed it, YOU’RE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. :stuck_out_tongue:

I know there are rude people everywhere, but I really feel like it’s more prevalent in natural food stores. People bump into you without saying ‘excuse me’, if you hold a door open people just walk through it without saying anything, everyone’s constantly scowling… it’s just really odd to me. And it’s not just in one place-- I’ve lived in a number of places around the country, and it always jumps out at me.

Years ago I was at a Thai restaurant, and we were seated right next to a (same sex, for what it’s worth) couple who had a child who was maybe 7. They ordered brown rice and steamed vegetables with nothing on them, not even salt. They were adamant to the waiter that their food be as plain as possible. As they ate, they lectured their child on how white rice was not really food, meat is murder, tasty sauces turn you into an evil Republican, etc. They didn’t smile the entire time they were there.

That would have been fine, but they were talking loud enough for us to hear, and every time they said “evil” or “murder”, they gave us the stink eye. I had an overwhemling urge to kidnap the kid and take him to Chuck E. Cheese.

I wouldn’t worry about it. Lots of other people really are stalking her.

I would have said, quite loudly, “I think I’ll have a pile of delicious cow-flesh when I get home! And chase it with a thick slab of bacon, with evil sauce!” While smiling like a maniac.

Also, what’s the point of going to a restaurant if you’re just gonna have plain steamed vegetables? Those were some messed up people.

I thought that garlic, spicy food, and seasonings other than salt and pepper would turn you into a Godless Liberal.

I wondered the same thing. I figured they just wanted a fun night out. And I’d stick with that theory, had any of them smiled at least once.

Next time that happens order the veal, and proclaim loudly:

Its the tears that make it so tender :slight_smile:

Maybe because realizing after all these years that you’re not special and no, you’re not going to save the world and that everything is NOT beautiful in it’s own way and seeing all your relationships fail while you discover the hard way that your kids who you home birthed and sent to Montessori are not gifted indigo children, they’re just sociopaths like all the other neighborhood kids and they will rob you blind and then write books about how you made Joan Crawford look like a brownie scout, and as a result of all this all you can do is become a vegetarian and then brag to your friends who don’t give a hoot…

Okay, after all that you will be a little bitter.

I’ve never met a vegan in a good mood. Just sayin’.

I hadn’t noticed either of you two, so I’d say you are either really good or really poor stalkers. :slight_smile:
I go to Honest Weight Food Co-op regularly. I am not a member of the co-op. I don’t plan to be. The workers are all very nice, if a surprising amount of cute petite lesbians (almost makes one want to go gay) but oh man, are the customers ever so rude. Not all, but I do notice a higher preponderance of them than I do in the grocery store.

*Until I grew up and ate steak and realized what I had been missing. Oh, and I love veal.

That’s ridiculous.

I have NEVER seen veal on the menu at a Thai restaurant.