Your view of Islam, summed up in one word

Angry, hateful, intolerant hairy men wearing socks and sandals.

Great, now we are going to lose five embassies once this thread goes viral.

I voted religion.

The college I attended has a lot of international students, in fact at least at one point it supposedly had the highest percentage of any public university in the country. So, I had a lot of classmates that were religions that aren’t very common here, particularly Islam and Hindu. Of the friends I developed and learned were Muslim, I never really noticed anything particularly different about them as far as how they practiced. Other than during Ramadan where they might have some food to break their fast during an evening class, or if we were studying all day and they’d take a break to prayer, they never seemed particularly more or less devout than my Christian friends. All but a few of them dressed indistinguishably from any other student, and were perfectly fine and open about their beliefs and all when those topics came up. So, it seems to me that the biggest difference in how Islam is often perceived isn’t so much the religion as it is the culture of those countries.

Yeah, plus all the other things the posters above have said about religion in general.

My first thought was “Misrepresented” because there’s a lot of slander and libel and defamation that occurs when our Christian-dominated society talks about ‘those guys.’ But, again, that can be said about religion in general as well.

Ever notice it’s a lot like the Elks lodge guys saying “Those Moose Lodge guys can’t get anything right…”?

Very juvenile.

Hmm, Curioser and Curioser!
. --Alice
. {various stories by Lewis Carrol}


“Interesting” (so, in this poll, “other”).

I’m really surprised to see that I’m the first one.


Christianity was much more humorless about 400 or 500 years ago, what with the Inquisition and the witch trials.

Actually, as an atheist, I find it hardest to imagine believing a religion that had a sense of humor and of moderation and tolerance. If an all powerful being wanted to see things done in a certain way, one would have to devote one’s life to making that happen. When you put infinite bliss and infinite damnation on the balance, there are no finite considerations for this present life that can make the slightest difference. So, in my view, if you believe in God, you kind of have to go crazy in support of it.

It’s the opposite of PeaceOut. Since you say PeaceOut when you are leaving you say PeaceIn when you are arriving.

I picked other. Tasty.


I’m not interested and I don’t care. Keep it to yourself. Whatever your faith says about food, clothing, animals, cartoons, laws, books, etc. yap yap yap. Keep it to yourself because I couldn’t care less.

What is the OP trying to accomplish with this poll? If you’re going to do a poll like this, why limit yourself to just 40 different words? Why not include 140? :rolleyes: I’m sure there’s a few more adjectives you could have included, like blue, hungry, pedantic, furry, etc.


I voted “other” but can’t appease the OP with a one word definition.

Islam: One of the three main branches of Abrahamic religions. All three deluded.

The End.

I voted other. The word I thought of off the bat was “anachronistic”. To be fair, I think that of a lot of religious traditions.


human are similar no matter what their religion are! there are huge diversity among Muslim like Christians. It depends where you live, your cultural background and Education plays a major rule on their behaviors.


I feel the same way about all religions. Humanity has wasted untold trillions of man-hours, and countless lives, on all of this useless superstitious rubbish.

They were the ones I thought of that either I could describe it as or I could imagine others describing it as. Naturally I was aware that my imagination was pretty limited so that’s why I included other.

I have seen web polls before where you can vote for an existing option or add your own, and naturally if vbulletin supported this I would have set the poll up that way. But you have to work with what you’ve got.

Hungry Furry Blue Muslims…sounds like the Islamic Cookie Monster Fan Club has shown up.

And pedantic…they probably like to get into debates over Sesame Street canon.


Like all religions.
