"You're a savage little man aren't you?" Mr Joyce observed.

“You’re a savage little man aren’t you?” Mr Joyce observed.

“I’m not even a little man, I’m six-foot-one.”
Sandilands appeared not to understand the figure of speech."

Sorry-what is the figure of speech they are talking about?

Using “little” as a derogatory, rather than a description of physical reality.

I would bet that he understood it just fine, mind you, and was simply purposely taking the piss.

sigh. Kyle versus Barnaby. Can we just toss 'em both in the shark pit and let them fight it out? And throw away the key…?

Is this case right up there with Justin Bieber taking his monkey with him to Germany or wherever it was?

Probably, but on steroids. We’re pretty rabid (snerk) about quarantine here, since introduced pests have made such a dog’s breakfast (I kill myself) of much of the native environment.

I have no idea how the dogs managed to sneak through - I would have thought that even private jet landings would have to go through customs, but I confess to not having paid the story a huge amount of attention.

I bet procedures get tightened up from now on. Probably as we speak a bunch of Australian multi-millionaires are cursing Johnny for spoiling it for the rest of 'em.