This is where the ‘Gobsmacked’ Smiley would have been entirely appropriate.
I need to upgrade my mobile handset; I currently have a Nokia 8210 that is about six years old and is starting to look a little worn and I really would like to have a Treo 600, trouble is that I’m on a real bottom-feeder tariff (I pay £15 per month and get 30 minutes of any network calls inclusive) - Even though I’m well outside the 12 month initial contract, nobody could offer me a cost-effective handset upgrade (upgrade fee to the Treo is £229 on my tariff).
No matter, thought I, I’ll just pull my usual stunt of ending the current contract and signing up for a new one; OK, I’ll lose my current number, but what the heck, so I phoned the telco to terminate the contract - the nice young lady in customer services said maybe they could bring the upgrade price down to £199, but I explained that I’d seen some deals where I can get a new contract with the Treo for peanuts, albeit on a slightly higher tariff.
“OK”, she says, “I’ll transfer you to someone who can deal with your contract termination” - a two minute hold and I’m now talking to a guy who says “How about we give you the upgrade for free?” - a moment or two of confused silence, then I manage to splutter “Yes, but, but…”.
“Your tariff and number remain unchanged, you’ll have the new phone tomorrow, is that something you’d be interested in?”. Of course I’m interested, so that’s a deal.
But think about that for a moment; they aren’t going to do this if it makes them a loss - they can afford to cut their margin by £229, that means they are printing money, doesn’t it?
Ah, who cares; I’m getting far more than I originally hoped for. Yipppeee!