You're in a Camaro! Take the fucking turn already!


Please stop responding to kanicbird.

This drives me nuts too. It’s usually a vehicle that could make a 180 turn without swinging wide. It’s a Prius not an 18 wheeler! And they never look to see if anyone is in the next lane before doing it.

I’d like to piggy back and pit those people who stop at a right turn only lane and the road they are turning on has a lane specifically meant for the people in the right turn only lane.

FOR FUCKS SAKE! WHY ARE YOU STOPPING? Those oncoming cars are in the far left two lanes! They can’t get in your lane! Just go already!

Around me a lot of intersections have lanes that go to the right of the stoplight, and those are yields not stop on reds. And I’ve seen assholes think yield means go than people waiting too long.
Assuming the person in front of me is actually looking at ongoing traffic, not his cellphone, I don’t get too upset if he waits longer than I would, since he knows his capabilities. Some people around here have the reaction time of a cabbage.

I thought the OP was talking about the people who, in the middle of a long line of cars turning left on an arrow, have to pause for about five minutes to make sure that a meteor isn’t falling in front of them or something. This makes people, read me, miss the light for no reason. Now that is a pitting I can get behind, and often do.

There are two corners like this where I commonly drive, and this drives me crazy, too. You see that sign there indicating that you have a dedicated lane, therefore you should not be stopping? QUIT FRIGGING STOPPING! All the drivers behind you who have managed to read that sign aren’t planning to stop.

While that’s true, it’s not applicable to the OP, which specifically concerns turning right at a red light. you are not allowed to take such a turn “at speed,” you must come to a full stop.

My favorites are the SUVs in the LEFT lane, who CANNOT go through the red light, but when I creep forward to see around them, let off their brakes and roll forward themselves. Why would they do that? It blocks my vision, and they cannot go yet. Are they just subconsciously reacting to seeing another vehicle’s nose ahead of theirs, and they feel some idiotic need to assert themselves?

I can roll forward several times, and these pinheads will keep creeping forward themselves to match me. It’s bizarre.

I’m with you on this. Although there is one place near my home that USED TO BE a dedicated right turn lane, but during rebuilding in the area, they took that away, and the turn empties out into oncoming traffic now, with a “Yield” sign.

They REALLY should have put up a more dramatic indicator of the new traffic pattern – for months we had people serenely barge out into the oncoming traffic as if it were still the protected lane they were used to. I don’t know if anyone was killed, but there were quite a few wrecks there. I hope all the people inclined to run the “Yield” sign have now had their wrecks and gotten it over with, sheesh.

I think it’s incurable. It’s a question of faith in others while in traffic.

Those are the same people who arrive to an all-stop intersection, stop and then wait for you to come to a full stop before they move through the intersection.

Presumably the OP is talking about musclecars from the current era, which includes many of the old names from the 1960’s, like Mustangs and Camaros and Challengers. And make no mistake…these modern iterations of those cars are not slow.


I did not know that.


Oh yeah: Mustang GT driver here! Just wanted to say that.


And also…I turn right on red when I can, and dislike people that refuse to do so when it is obviously allowed and safe.

Add on…

If you CAN’T make the fucking turn then don’t fucking try. I had to lock up the wheels on my POS Kia this morning because some cock biting shit whiffer decided to right turn right and the dickhead behind him was clearly tired of waiting and turned right after him…without stopping at the sign. The first car took the right lane, the second car took the inside lane.

And what did the useless twat do when he heard me having to lock up my wheels and skid for 100 yds to try and keep from slamming into him? HE HIT HIS FUCKING BREAKS!!!

I was a gnat’s ass away from finding him at the next stop light and cutting that motherfucker.

First guy was cool, but since I was already pissed I decided to include him in my pissed offedness. Really the second guy was the tuna cunted shit licker.

You should always turn into the right lane when turning right on red (when there’s more than one lane on the road you are turning onto).

Not a Camaro and not a right turn, but otherwise pretty much the same thing… Lamborghini Crashes in Chicago Suburbs - YouTube :smack::smiley:

I turn right on red when safe to do so. But just FYI, if my judgment of ‘‘safe’’ is more conservative than yours, and you start honking at me to go, all you have succeeded in doing is distracting me from the business of turning, thus ensuring that we’ll be at that light even longer. Because I find honking really fucking distracting.

I like the comment from the video -

Yup - that’s exactly what he was like! :eek:

“Wolves know it.”


I live in Saskatchewan. It is January.

When I approach an intersection, I start braking long before I get there, and mostly I stop before I arrive. If not, I can choose between sliding through or ditching into the snowbank piled on the median. These are surprisingly efficient at killing momentum.

If I manage to stop before entering the intersection, I look to see if anyone else is currently sliding into it. If not, I step on the accelerator.

At that point, the car will either go left, right, or straight, depending on the snow and ice conditions. I adjust the steering accordingly. It can take a rather long time to drift through the intersection, depending on snow and ice conditions, but there is often a set of four strips where the traffic going left and right (relative to me) has worn ruts through the ice down to pavement, and that helps a lot. It’s like the accelerator strips in the racing minigames in KOTOR.

I don’t care what you are driving or how long it takes you to turn as long as you don’t try to occupy the same space as my car at the same time. You go when you feel safe to do so.

That said, if you are in front of me on an escalator and moving slower than I would like, I will eat you.

Not being familiar with those, is the light red? Red arrow? Green?

Just as bad are the bastards in a right-turn-only curb lane who sit there through the traffic light’s right-pointing green arrow then illegally drive straight ahead when the green light appears.