You're in a Camaro! Take the fucking turn already!

Fuck I hate these people who are driving around in Mustangs or Camaros or some other muscle car yet they absolutely REFUSE to turn right on red without a 400-500yd gap for entry. It’s fucking ridiculous. You’re driving a 350+hp passenger car. You have PLENTY of acceleration. A fucking Ford Feista has enough acceleration to safely get into traffic. So stop being a fucking pussy and hit your gas so I can get home after my long ass day at work instead of spending my evening staring at the back of the muscle car you baby around town.

And because of that muscle car, they’re just one point away from losing their license/already lost it and are driving anyway/can’t afford the insurance and are driving without/has drugs or guns in the car/etc. :wink:

A lot of those guys just have a hard time getting the old engine going, if you take my meaning.

Mustang GT driver here:

If I don’t feel comfortable that I have the time to make the turn, I won’t make it. I’m not going to drop the hammer and risk an “unsafe start” citation (and yes, squealing tires is a citable offense in Michigan, I got a ticket for that when I was 17) just so you can get home ten fucking seconds sooner. I’ve also had a long-ass day at work, so suck it up, buttercup. And if you think honking at me is going to do any good, all it’ll get you is my bird finger.

Congratulations. If you don’t think 400+yds is enough space for you to wedge into traffic then you are a giant pussy. I really don’t care about your comfort level here.


Then pass him. Oh, is that illegal?


Yeah! They should be in the left turn lane, hesitating behind the white line after the light turns green. Because if you more forward into the intersection to allow those behind you a chance to make the turn, and the light changes while you’re in the intersection, you’ll be stuck there and pulverized into metal filings by the cross traffic. :dubious:

Right turn on red is an option. Sometimes it’s fun to wait for the green.

Not on the island of Montreal, it ain’t. The bridges and tunnel have signs to warn incoming traffic.
Just saying.

One of those one-light towns, eh? Guess the novelty hasn’t worn off.

But the signs are in French so you don’t have to pay any attention to them.

Or in New York City, but…hey asshole, I’m driving here!

ISTR that most run of the mill vehicles these day are actually better at getting up to speed than the muscle cars of yesteryear.

Then, there is the fact those old dinosaur cars can stall if you floor it.

And Burt Reynolds is old damnit.

And finally, wait your fracking turn.

Seconded. Also, are all the lanes of the cross street clear, or just the rightmost one? I’ve seen cars in the second lane change to the right, either in, or just after, the intersection. If he’s looking over his shoulder to check his blind spot, he might not see a car that enters the right lane ahead of him. I don’t make that turn on red unless I know it’s clear; nobody coming from the left, no oncoming traffic turning left, no pedestrians in the crosswalks.

I have a theory that all women wait for the first car to pass before they turn left, then no matter how far the next car is they go.

My experience says you might be onto something there.

Oh, look, it’s obvious that many people wait too long to turn right. I guess they feel safer if there’s no one in sight. I have a friend that waits and waits until he’s got 500 yards of empty road before he’ll pull out.

I’m always tempted to do the math and educate him that unless that barely-visible Prius is traveling at 220 mph, he’s got more than enough time.

Yes, let’s have that discussion again. No, you aren’t legally required to turn right on a red if right turns are allowed where you live. Yes, you are a dick if you don’t turn right on red when it is legal and safe to do so and other people are waiting behind you.

I like to remind my husband (a Mustang driver) when he drives my car (the Corolla) that he isn’t in a Mustang at the moment, and he’ll have to adjust accordingly. :slight_smile:

You’re jumping to a conclusion.

If you yell at him and it turns out he’s blind, how will you feel then?

Did he have a mullet?