I am heartily sick and tired of cab drivers asking me how to get to my destination. It’s your job, fuckstick! If you can’t be bothered to learn how to do it properly, don’t do it all.
To elaborate - I live in Chicago. Once upon a time, one could hail a cab, get in said cab, tell the driver of said cab your destination, and he would take you there. Once in a while you would get an unscrupulous driver who would attempt to run up the fare by taking a less-than-direct route, but a quick direction to take a certain turn or road would usually clue the driver in that you weren’t some hick from Iowa or Wisconsin, but that you actually knew the city and he’d better not try it again. At some point, 4-5 years ago maybe, I noticed that more and more drivers would say something to the effect of, “I’m going to take Lake Shore Drive to North Ave. Is that OK?” I liked this. It gave you the opportunity to take some shortcut you might know about, and provided some modicum of cover for the driver. You couldn’t yell at him for taking the “long way” if he told you up front his intended route.
When we moved back here 2 years ago, I noticed that, “I’m planning on taking such-and-such route,” had transmogrified into, “How would you like me to go?” I took to responding, “How would you recommend going?” at which point I would usually get a satisfactory response, agree to it, and off we went. I did not like the direction this was going.
Lately I have had an unacceptably large number of cab drivers simply ask me how to get where I want to go. Huh? Don’t you know? What happens if you get someone from out of town? (I actually asked one driver this. He said he would call his friend who drove another cab, and he would give him directions). Sorry. That just doesn’t cut it. To me it’s like a chef at a restaurant asking me how to cook the evening special, or the pilot on my next flight asking me which lever retracts the landing gear. You’re a service provider - provide the goddamn service!
Lest you think I’m being unreasonable, on all of these occasions I was asking to go to the 1600 block of North Clybourn. Clybourn is a pretty major street, and everyone who has lived in Chicago for more than a couple of months comes to know that North Ave (also a fairly major street) is 1600 N. I could understand (maybe) if I was directing them to some obscure, 2-block-long side street off in the hinterlands of Chicago, but we’re talking about a major intersection. I got the impression that I would have gotten a blank stare from each of these numb-nuts if I had said, “1600 North, between 600 and 800 West.”
Makes me really, really appreciate London cab drivers. Yeah, you pay more, but those guys know the city better than the backs of their hands, and they don’t have the benefit of a grid system to work with.
And, yes, I have had some of these guys pull over so I could get out of their cab and find a new one. No, I didn’t pay them, because I didn’t get proper service. I have called the City on two of the most egregious drivers I’ve gotten lately, so I’d like to think I’m doing my part. It just feels like the overall quality of cab drivers in this city is in rapid decline.