Youtube videos it's impossible not to literally LOL at

My guess is they’ve stumbled into a gym rather than a bar…

Drunkest Guy Ever: Silent Film

Cat on a treadmill

The one with the naked priest?

Fuck Planet Earth (NSFW)

Oh, man. You forgot High as Fuck, the original Everyday Normal Guy and the all-time classic Rapist Glasses.

Cholo Adventures 14 - Revenge of the Guero

One of my favorites… An Andalusian stallion playing in a bale of hay (also trying to breed it)! This used to have ‘I’m Too Sexy’ as a soundtrack, and it was perfect, but they evidently had to disable it :-(.

I think this is the winner. Cat with attitude.


Love how good natured the dog is even when it’s been swiped at repeatedly.

Try Funniest Liquor Store Robbery Ever! Now with Looney Tunes Music!

I dunno, could he have sung harmony in a choir or something? Maybe he’s just doing the bass line like he was taught to. But yeah, he’s doing it really badly.

Ostrich Report by Alvin Hall

Be sure to watch until the end. In the last one you can actually see the ostrich thinking, Should I? Nahh. Well… That tie does look tasty…

Cats with serious relationship issues.

Several of the ones I was going to post are already in here, but here’s a ton more:

Buttered Floor*

Spoon Prank

Ebonics Airways*

Delta spoof*

Weng Weng Rap (long but awesome)*

German Forklift training video (long but awesome)

The wind

Trapped in an elevator… with diarrhea


Kid runs into wall

How to use internet abbreviations*

Congressional proposal to ban skullfucking *

Guy tasers self

Idiot almost blows self up

Worst beatboxer in history

How to make extreme rice

Front fell off Classic!

Ok, so a couple of those aren’t Youtube and the * means possible NSFW language or text

What? I like funny internet vids.

Ghost Ridin’ Grandparents
Suicidal man falls…
Frisky cop gets a surprise
Spiders on Drugs
A Fire Man
Hitler loses faith in Reddit
Little Tortilla Boy
Cloverfield Trailer Watch this first if you haven’t seen it
Cloverfield Trailer Spoof

Myotonic/Fainting goats


Page two and no one has posted Ninja Cat??

Most of the time when someone tells me “You can’t help but laugh” it is a good indication that I probably won’t… but this one made me laugh. Johnny’s laugh was contagious and the orang was just too cute.