Yup, I'm gonna hire a hooker

I put up a thread a while ago asking for general advice on whether I should hire a hooker. Despite advice to the contrary I have decided to do it. I’m meeting her tomorrow.
I’m only posting this because some people wanted to know what I was going to do. I’m not sure if I’ll give any more details. This is really weird. I never thought I would do something like this. Maybe I’ll get cold feet.

Let us know if it lives up to your expectations or not. Inquiring minds and all that shit.

She’s not interested in your cold feet.

Try the warm spot 2.5 to 3 feet higher. :wink:
:: ducking ::

Just make sure you are concrete in your decision.

yeah, let us know. even if you don’t want to share specific details, i think those who read the other thread might want to know what happens.

There ought to be a vending machine for transactions of this kind. I foresee a fortune for the inventor and all I want is 10% for the idea.

I’ve always been curious but never tried. Now I’m in a relationship and don’t want her to kick my ass, si I probably won’t anytime soon either. Good luck and have fun!

Have fun , be safe and don’t get arrested. :wink:

be safe.

How did you find her & what is she charging ya? canyou put it on an Internet camera so we can seee how it comes out? :slight_smile:

Better ease into this slowly…why not start by hiring a hooker to, say, cut your lawn?

I cannot imagine making an appointment some time in advance like it was the dentist… what if when the time comes you (or your little brother) are not in the mood?

Well, I’ll be paying her to get me off. It’s her job to get me in the mood. She gives a nude massage first. I imagine that’s what it’s for. If “little bro” hasn’t stood up and taken notice by then, I’m just going to have to cut back on the Paxil.

To answer your questions in order handy:
1- From a newspaper ad. Yes, that is true. It was under “Escorts.”
2- $130 for “full service” There were cheaper women, but the one I picked’s physical description matched what I wanted.
3- No.

Hmmm…this is kinda interesting to me. When I was in college, a friend of mine had hired two hookers to come to his birthday party. They stripped for everyone and did some mild lesbian stuff, and a couple of lap dances, but none of the guys took them to the bedrooms. I don’t think any of my guy friends have ever been with a hooker. I’d like to know what happens!

yayayaya… let us know!!!
:: slobber slobber ::

I tried one once… it was a huge disappointment. But what do you expect for 5 bucks.

Coin-op pussy?

Put your plastic in the slot, put your dick in the slot?

Product dispenses below.

Make choice. Pull knob.

(I crack myself up!)


Pardon me.

smacks ChiefScott repeatedly about the head


So sorry. Please continue, everyone else.
