Baby I want you in the worst way possible...

I vote for standing up in a hammock. What could be worse than that?

In the backseat of a volkswagon beetle?

Standing on a swivel chair

[ul]… **Hanging from a chandelier! **
:stuck_out_tongue: [sup]With the lights turned out[/sup][/ul]

You’re in luck; the worst possible way is the only way I know how to do it!

In a sea kayak?


How about perched on a barrel, going over Niagra Falls? Or straddled across a kayak in semi-still water, just before you hit the rapids?

On a playground swing (especially one of those swings that has a flexible rubber seat area)? I guess that’s a lot like standing up in a hammock.

On a patch of thistles? On an expanse of Antarctic

Darn! Sorry for the semi-simulpost, Finagle.

With your tongue stuck to a flagpole.

On top of a fire ant nest.

Unconscious and unaware.

Thistles would be very bad, but nothing like a patch of nettle :eek:

I’m not sure Smoove B would approve of any of this.

With my parents watching.

No, wait, that’s going too far. I don’t want anybody that badly.

Even worse would be while watching your parents!

In a pile of half-dead jellyfish.

In a pile of long-dead jellyfish…

On the hood of a car that has just been driven non-stop across the continent, on a hot day.

On a Pogo-Stick…

Going downhill.

Standing up to your neck in a cesspool.

On the wing of a 767 at 35,000 feet.

In a kiddie pool stocked with angry pirahnas.