The worst way possible

We’ve all heard the expression. As in I want you in the worst way possible. So Ok *WHAT is * the worst way possible.

I vote for

Standing up in a hammock


I defer to Euty.
However, WITH A PARTNER, it would be “standing up in a hammock-wearing roller skates!”

Each of you standing in separate canoes.MTS

Unwilling, with a stranger of the same sex, in the back seat of a Volkswagen Beatle.

On a tight rope over a pit of hungry aligators perhaps ?

On an airplane wing wearing false noses and flippers.

Without passion, wishing you were with someone else.

evilbeth wins, hands down.

A naked necrophiliac, coated in rancid motor oil, who–with his thursts–is furiously pushing an elderly, semi-fresh corpse that is trailing long gray ropes of guts that are being worried by a stray dog around the broken glass-covered asphalt of the parking lot of an abandoned YMCA while fireworks explode in the Fourth of July sky.

God Bless America
[sub]well, you asked for the Worst…[/sub]

Trapped with their hands and feat imbedded in a block of concrete at the bottom of East River in New York wearing SCUBA gear with only 10 minutes of air remaining and you know there’s only 10 minutes of air remaining because you can see the timer. You can also see the huge cage of hungry electric eels trying to get at you and the timer on the door to the cage telling you it will open when you still have 2 minutes of air left… after eating a huge currey supper…

I mean i can’t think of a worse way to possibly want someone, but they would have had to get me really, really mad if i wanted them that way.
Some times i wonder just what the hell my mind is doing when i’m not paying attention…


And once again, someone beats me to the punch…

Bloody timing…

Wow you get 10 whole unterrupted minutes to have wild freaky scuba sex at the bottom of the river?

Frankly, this excites me.

Don’t worry about the eels, I have chunks of them in my stool every morning. (I have been dying to use that line)

You think eels are bad, i’d tell you what i’ve been finding in mine… but who am i to hijack?

I’ve always kinda thought hanging upside down out of an apple tree would be kind of an interesting way to get the job done to.

*Originally posted by Lexicon *

Whoa, deja vu…