I have to shave what?!?!

So, I’m off to the Doctor for a little “minor surgery”. Yup - it’s time for the “Big V”.

The problem is in the office’s little pamphlet that describes the stuff I have to do in preparation. These steps include shaving Mr Happy’s set of luggage, so to speak.

Just how do I do this? My triple-bladded Gillette seems a bit like a weapon of massive destruction in this sensitive environment.

This may be a IMHO but theoretically there’s a “best” answer to this so I’ll start it here.

Perhaps you could go to a beautician for a “crack back and sack wax”. :eek:


Because the big V’s just not painful enough…

Trim as much as possible with scissors, then shave the rest. Carefully.

Sounds impossible.

Yikes!!! Scissors?

Could we have some input from someone who has done this, please…successfully! I might add.

I’d go with Nair, if I were in your situation.

Well, I have done it (the top half of the environment, anyway), and while I don’t use scissors, I use clippers to take care of most of it, then a blade to get the rest. If you’re talking about the area underneath, I’d recommend clippers if you have them (which it sounds like you don’t), or even an electric shaver.

I recently experienced an angiogram, in which they forced me to shave, too. It itched like crazy, but I was not advised in advance that they would force this embarassing act of indecency upon while the nurses stand around me and laugh! Eventually, they did help out, though.

But, it was nothing more than a cheap disposable single bladed razor with no lubricant!!!

Not the best option.

Oh yeah-- no matter how you do it, I’d recommend baby powder or oil afterwards.

Just make sure that you clean the hair out the shaver frequently whilst doing this. Otherwise you won’t need to have the doc perform the operation, you’ll have done it yourself.

Had one a few years ago and I was not required to shave at all. Are you sure they’re just snipping and not doing some clear cutting? :wink:

I thought of this but the Nair bottle, even the bikini-wax kind, says not to use on genitalia.

Why do you think they call it Nads?

I’ve done this–the whole shebang. Just trim away (carefully) with scissors, then shave away with an ordinary razor. I use a Gillette Sensor Excel, and ordinary shaving cream (which I usually reapply a few times during the process). There’s a reason they’re called ‘safety razors’.

The only hitches are the unusual geometry and the sight lines; for your first time I’d advise setting up a mirror of some sort, which will allow you to see what’s going on down there.

And be advised it takes a lot longer than shaving your face–I usually take a half-hour. Haste is the enemy.

I once did it with a pocketknife.

Be a man, dammit.

I got the big V about a year ago. If you’ve got one (or can borrow one), use an electric beard trimmer to get the short-hairs as short as possible. Then get a razor with a new blade–I used a Mach 3–and sit in a tub with about an inch of water in it. Use soap instead of shaving cream so you can see the wrinkles in the jewel bag, and carefully pull the area you’re shaving tight. Take your time and go slowly.

If your SO is available, it can be a fun experience, but don’t let her (I’m assuming it’s a her or you probably wouldn’t need the procedure) get hold of the razor. The last thing you need is the “yeah, but you cut one of my nuts off” argument in 20 years.

Don’t worry about shaving the twig and berries. It’s not as horrible as it sounds. I shave, it’s no biggie. As was said, trim close with scissors, not too close, scissors are way more dangerous than the razor. Then just shave as ‘normal’. Hot water, lather, very frequent rinsings of the blade, take your time. Mach3 is your friend.

When I first tried it out, I tried the clippers and an electric shaver, DON’T DO IT! Scissors and a good sharp blade is the way to go. You might get a nick or two, but it’s no worse than getting a nick on your face.

Nair will burn the happysacks.

Don’t do this either. Trust me. Nads yanks the hair out roughly. Even if it doesn’t yank the hell out of the skin, it still really hurts.

My suggestion: take a cool shower, causing a little turtle-action, if ya know what I mean. That’ll make shaving easier. Use a good, new triple-blade razor, and you’re all set.

I used my good ole’ gillett sensor. Sit in the shower. Lather up. And for the love of God, man, take it slow.

Can I ask why you’ve found this to be bad? I’d think the electric shaver would keep the nicks to a minimum. I’ve used it lightly to get some areas, whereas when I’ve used a blade for those areas I’ve gotten nicks.