Cum guzzling gutter sluts

I was inspired to do this rant because of someone’s thread about the rollerblading beotch. So rather than overtake her rant, I thought I’d do my own.

This is about a woman who is a rotten cum guzzling gutter slut who is a scar on the face of females everywhere.

You’re right on target with this. My “nemesis” of sorts is this girl I’ll call “puke breath.” Well, puke breath does not have female friends, women are nothing but competition to her. She will try to give your boyfriend a blow job while you’re going to the restroom. She’s about 40, washed up, dried up and generally disgusting. The only way she even gets men to pay attention to her is because she waits until they are so drunk that they are willing to let her suck their dick.

She fancies herself to be on the same level as some of the beautiful, sweet girls I hang out with, but she is not. She is horribly disgusting. She gets completely wasted and her breath always smells as if she has just thrown up. Most of the guys can’t stand her, she has to rely on new unsuspecting victims. She is so generally despised that three normally non violent women I know have actually gotten into physical altercations with her. She’s the kind of person that really gets under my skin. Her behavior is so reprehensible that I can’t believe she even has the nerve to go out in public.

I used to feel sorry for this woman, until she tried to pull some of this shit on me. Now I have no sympathy.

I could go on all day, but you probably get the gist.:smiley:

You know Joan Collins?

While I’m no, er, what the title of the OP is, I prefer the company of men to women.

I don’t dislike other women, though, I just never outgrew some of my tomboy-ish ways, I guess.

Blehch! The female you describe sounds like what a lot of the young females around here will become. At least she’s right out there, where you can easily spot her and not hiding away. Still, I bet it is a nightmare to have her around sniffing at the crotches of nearby males. Shudder

I too, don’t trust the company of females. It takes me a while to trust anyone, but for some reason it takes me longer to trust females. This is not always the case, there have been several females I’ve trusted almost instantly, and several males too.

This wariness is probably due in part to the fact that I’ve never forgotten the locker room talk of my classmates. They were manipulative, conniving, dishonest creatures. I can’t trust people who would do things like that to the person they are dating. It’s hard not to think of what I’ve seen personally as the behavior of average females.

I fight this pre-conception every time I meet someone new. It’s at the point now, that I will gingerly trust them, but not too far. I’ll believe the person I’m meeting is an honorable sort, that will act with dignity, and integrity until they show by their own actions otherwise. Or, if they show they have honor, I trust them more.

Personally, I don’t trust women who don’t have female friends. The one woman I’ve known who flat-out admitted this to me turned out to be a total user. (and she was only 20, btw)
It’s different if a woman “prefers” the company of men, and only has a few female friends. But I still keep an eye out.

I don’t worry much about manipulative women though. Having been raised by a manipulative single mother, I can spot what I call “feminine whiles” a mile away. And the whole “withholding sex” technique of manipulation? A well-publicized (and expensive!) trip to a strip club everytime it happened seemed to cure the one woman who tried it on me.

[Homer Simpson] Mmmm. . . .strippers. . . .[/Homer Simpson] :smiley:

Snort!:smiley: Good kill cept she is 50-60 something, not 40

Indygrrl, no matter how much you hate this woman, I’d lay bets that she loathes herself even more.

I don’t have female friends, except for a few high school friends that I never get to see. But it’s not because I’m a C.G.G.S. It’s because the types of women I tend to befriend are the ones who ARE C.G.G.S.

I’m sure you know the type:

  1. Everything is always about them
  2. They are always the loudest person in the room
  3. Everything is a competition–weight loss, salary, new clothes, men, etc.
  4. They say things they think are brilliant (always have to impress, you know) while you’re trying hard not to snicker at their stupidity because they’re wrong.
  5. They hate confrontation.
  6. They are very passive-aggressive because they’re too chickenshit to say anything directly for fear that they’ll end up in a confrontation.
  7. They have VERY low self-esteem.
  8. They can never keep a man and can’t understand why.
  9. They can never keep friends and can’t understand why.
  10. They usually only have one good friend, if any (usually some sucker like me).

The last one is what I would repeat over and over in my head when a friend like this would piss me off but after awhile, I got my own self-esteem and dumped these friends. It was the best thing I have ever done. Since then (about three years ago), I haven’t had any female friends.

Now my best friends are my husband, my brother and my brother’s wife. Okay, that last one is a female, but she’s awesome. I’ve been burned so many times by rotten friendships I can’t seem to trust women enough to make friends. I get along great with other women, I just don’t befriend them anymore.

God, this was long. Sorry.

I don’t have female friends. I have a couple of female acquaintances I occasionally talk to and even less occasionally am in the same room as.

Mostly that’s because I really don’t meet women who have enough in common with me to carry on any type of continued conversation that lasts more than 20 or 30 minutes.

I have been, am and always will be ‘one of the guys.’

This does not make me evil, a shrew, or a ‘cum guzzling gutter slut’ who wants to suck some guy’s dick while his girlfriend is in the bathroom.

Yeah, those chicks exist, but that doesn’t mean generalizing all women who have only male friends in that manner is at all accruate.

Indy, does her name start with D?

‘cum guzzling gutter slut’

You say this like it’s a bad thing…

Ya know, PharmBoy, I was just thinking the exact same thing…

Wouldn’t be caught deaad with 'em, but they can come in handy…

No, I come in handy because my life lacks CGCSen… :wink:

I’ve known a few girls before who liked to hang out mostly with men, they are generally users, but it usually gets to the point where we’ve figured her out and stopped giving her what she wanted from us.

There have been a handful of girls in the service fraternity I belong to, since we’re legally forced to be co-ed. Well, the first girl to come into the fraternity pretty much admitted during the pledge process (we’re not just a sign-up-you’re-in sort of service fraternity, we have a touch of social fraternity to us) that she only wanted to do it because she wanted to be the first girl, just some ego-tripping woman who thought of herself as shattering that mythical glass ceiling, pretty pointless since our fraternity isn’t even that good as a resume point, and no better than the sister sorority.

Since then, we’ve had women who came in who were the “I mostly like to hang out with men, I don’t really like women” type. Well, from my experience, these women just like the natural attention they get as the only woman amongst men. With no female peers around to be compared to, they find themselves the center of sexual attraction in the room. In the “just friends” context, this is “safe” sexual attention, attention in a setting in which she doesn’t have to worry about anything coming of it. Meanwhile, they exploit the natural tendency of men to be very helpful to women. And in the specific context of an organization, even though they should be held to the exact same standard as the men, they often get away with just about anything because subconsciously men have lower expecations from women and write alot of things off as “well, women, what do you expect?”

Clearly, this type of girl likes to be with men, because other women won’t put up with her bullshit, and because men give her the constant attention she desires.

And BTW, what is with women and that trick? I always kind of hoped that was just a sitcom cliche, that it didn’t really happen, but I occasionnally hear that it does. If some girl tried to pull this Lysistrata-play on me, I sure wouldn’t go along, I might even be tempted to drop her. That’s so dishonest and immature. If this is what you want to do, then just come out and say “I won’t have sex with you unless you change your decision,” then we can decide whether we still want to date someone who’s that manipulative and juvenile.

If I stayed with a girl who was so immature as to pull this trick, I probably wouldn’t do a strip club as you suggest. I’d probably just stick to my decision and play it out until she gets tired of it. That way, if she knows the trick won’t work, she’ll learn not to do it again. A girl that manipulative and juvenile has to be trained with carrot-and-stick just like a dog, show her that her ploy won’t work and she won’t repeat it. After all, that’s what she’s trying to do to you, isn’t it?

Or some of us just have more in common with men than we do with women.

I’ve never had a guy friend suggest that everyone go to the bathroom as a group, think that spending a saturday shopping for antique lace wrapped candle holders full of potpourri would be fun, or ask me about some new type of makeup in this month’s Cosmo.

There are women who spend all their time with men for the ‘safe sexual attention’, but your brush is too broad here.

Reading the OP has made me accutely aware that I have forgotten to brush my teeth this morning.

By the way, any chance of ejecting her from your group?


And catsix, don’t think we’re being too broad. We’re talking about a pretty specific type here. Women like what you dscribe usually never say they would rather hang out with men, unless asked. That is not the type of woman we’re talking about here.

Couldn’t agree with you more here catsix.

I find it hard to relate with women, although I do have female friends. It’s just that most of my female friends don’t share my passion for motorcycling or working on my own vehicles (which doesn’t really go well with makeup and potpourri). I don’t paint my nails, and don’t like doing the whole “girly girl” lifestyle. I have had female friends of mine try to turn me more girly, but it hasn’t worked! Ha! It’s not necessarily that I prefer men but they generally have more common interests, and men don’t bitch about their cramps! :smiley:

Right, and I’ll give an example. There’s a girl me and my pals hang out with, and it so happens she used to play high school basketball, still plays pickup games at the gym (I’ve gone to watch her a couple times), and so it’s not surprising that if we invite people over to watch the Missouri game on TV that she’ll come around. She knows as much about basketball as we do, we share that interest, so we end up sharing the evening with her and a bunch of guys. But she’s not the type to make it a point to proclaim how much she didn’t like hanging around with girls, and she has no irrational aversion to the company of women. She just wants to watch sporting events with other sports fans, who just happen to be mostly men.

Ladies, if you have a common interest with us guys, feel free to enjoy that with us and we’ll be glad to have you around. But don’t pretend that you’re 100% “one of the boys”, because the vast majority of guys act much differently when women are around then when they’re with just the guys, and even the most tomboyish girl doesn’t count as a guy for those purposes, it’s biological and subconscious. You just can’t get around it girls. But if you understand that limitation, and you aren’t trying to be an attention whore or just play us for our natural sympathies or otherwise use and exploit us, then I’ve no problem with it.

Oh, and apparently there’s one other type of woman who likes to hang exclusively with guys – as long as they’re gay guys. I know a girl like that, she hung with the 2-3 gay friends of mine pretty much all the time. According to one of my gay friends, this is actually pretty common, and he refers to them as “fag hags” (his phrase, not mine.) Seems like there’s something a little screwed up about that, and my friend says alot of gay men have pretty low tolerance for it. What those women’s motivations could be, I haven’t a clue.