Bush 9/11 movie, must read/see

I did not write this, I only found it. HERE, (pop up warning, you must also be signed in at BM to view) However I thought that it was a must share.


At 9:03 AM on 11 September 2001, the second airplane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. President Bush was in Florida, at the Emma T. Booker Elementary School, listening to children read. Chief of Staff Andrew Card came over and whispered in Bush’s ear, “A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack.”

What did the Commander in Chief do? Nothing. He sat there. He sat for well over 5 minutes, doing nothing while 3,000 people were dying and the attacks were still in progress.

Not only did the leader of the free world sit as his country was attacked, the Secret Service also did nothing. Bush was appearing in public at a previously announced photo-op. He was a sitting duck. The attacks were ongoing at that point (planes had yet to hit the Pentagon or the field in Pennsylvania), and nobody knew how much more destruction was going to happen. Were there two, three, four, eight more planes hijacked and on their way to crash into prominent buildings? Was one headed for the school, where anyone who checked the President’s public itinerary would know he was located? Were other terrorists planning to detonate dirty nukes? Were they going to release anthrax or smallpox or sarin? Was an assassination squad going to burst into the school and get Bush? Was a suicide bomber going to ram a truck full of explosives into that classroom?

During the midst of the attacks, any of these things could’ve happened. Yet there sits Bush, seemingly unconcerned. His Chief of Staff likewise doesn’t think that America in flames warrants the President’s immediate attention. And the Secret Service utterly fails to do its job by grabbing the President of the United States and getting him to safety. It’s truly inexplicable.

and a little add on, that came from another board as well…

Also, another interesting fact that just drives conspiracy theorist insane about 9/11 is what happened before the planes hit. Bush was staying at the Colony Beach Resort just outside of Sarasota. And for some reason the Secret Service had surface to air missles1 mounted on the roof of the resort and had AWACS patrolling - which apparently was not standard operating procedure when the President was traveling in the US prior to 9/11.

The day before everything changed, President Bush touched locals’ lives
Published on September 10, 2002, Article 10 of 13 found.
(Sarasota Herald-Tribune (FL), 1781 words.)

It’s a planned script of events…as well Condoleeza Rice had phoned good friend Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco prior to 9/11 and told him not to fly that week, as he had a trip planned for New York??


The only thing wrong with this is that the Jews aren’t in it. The Jews are always in it.

Oh, dear lord. Is this a test to see whether we’re bots?

Among other things… I am curious if you have a cite for this.

Oh… and it would be nice if the cite didn’t come from something named “tiny-url” or “propaganda matrix”. Call me skeptical, but I prefer to get my information from sources with a little more reputation.


I’m certainly no fan of Bush, but I got this funny visual of him suddenly leaping up, ripping off his suit to reveal a superhero costume, and flying away out the window to save humanity.

I mean, seriously? He’s a man. It is obvious that he cares deeply about America, and I’m sure if he knew the extent of the threat he would have acted differently. His staff was probably paranoid of someone waiting outside to shoot him in the head and made him stay put while they secured the area.

Yeah, this pisses me off too. If only Bush had jumped into the nearest telephone booth, put on the suit, shot off into the air and TURNED THOSE PLANES AROUND.
I know I know, it’s silly. What he reallly should have done upon hearing about the second plane is jump up, scream “We’re all gonna die” to the little kids he was reading to and run into the street calling everyone to arms.

Instead he sat there for five minutes, no doubt stupidly awaiting crazy things like CONFIRMATION, PLANS OF ACTION and/or A RIDE TO ANOTHER LOCATION.

Yeah, this pisses me off too. If only Bush had jumped into the nearest telephone booth, put on the suit, shot off into the air and TURNED THOSE PLANES AROUND.


Now that’s funny. :smiley:

I don’t know why, but imagining this brings the commercial for the Juicy Fruit gum - like Strappleberry etc - with the pinata that comes to life, and all the kids are screaming and running about.

Waittaminnut… what’s all this I keep hearing about Bush being a “man of action” then? Why didn’t he do something, like you mentioned above?


Damnit, the illuminati neo-con cabal is everywhere!

Should have called that time-out before the two minute warning…
Should have had the reciever run a post route instead of a corner route…
Should have had more Gatorade on the bench…
Should have done this on Sunday instead of thinking about it on Monday…

So, who do you think will make it to the Final 4? After Stanford bit the dust last week, I sort of lost interest.

I’d rather tell you who didn’t make it to the Final 4 because hindsight is sooooo much easier to do… :wink:

I lost interest when the U of A went down. Thats where I went to college and the only team I was really interested in. :slight_smile:

grabs popcorn and puts on his tin foil hat to enjoy the rest of the thread


St. John’s. Bless Billy Packer, they’re on a mission.

Yeah, let’s all get together the day after and make predictions.

I don’t think there’s any silly conspiracy, but I do think the whole event was a little wacky.

It WAS irresponsible for the President to be kept in a known location when the country was under attack. But that’s not Bush’s fault so much as it is a very serious failure of the Secret Service.

Here’s the obligatory timeline, with critical comments as to the confusing events:

It definately was a strange and crazy time…

“The - Pet - Goat. A - girl - got - a - pet - goat. But - the - goat - did - some - things - that - made - the - girl’s - dad - mad.”

Yep, sounds like a huge conspiracy. :rolleyes:

I’ll stick by he was clueless, his staff was trying to figure out what was going on, and he had to keep up with his appearance. Hindsight is 20/20.

Bush was either well aware of the attacks BEFORE they happened, or he is criminally incompetant. Pick one.

Wow. What stunning logic! What keen insight! Verily, I am caught on the horns!


It’s called “fog of war.” “Confusion.” Not even NORAD knew WTF was going on, and they were plugged in. Bush was in a car going to a public event, and all he knew was that a plane crashed. Terrible accident, but that happens. What’s he going to do, ditch a bunch of kids on the beginnings of news about a plane crash? Reports aren’t even clear - he says he thought it was a small plane crash.

And again, what did you want him to do? Wave his penis around and magically stop the planes in mid-air?

I may dislike the man, but I do believe that he is a mostly honest type, and I’ll believe him screwing up before I believe some whacky conspiracy theory that says he would let thousands of Americans die on purpose. So much sh*t went wrong that day that it COULDN’T have been planned that sloppy.