The Near Future, according to Jack Chick

“The Last Generation”

School children sacrifice kitties and puppies in school, while Christians are committed to homes for the mentally insane and/or executed. Doubtlessly this is what will happen if Kerry is elected.

It’s in the fine print in the Democratic party platform. Right after eliminating Christmas.

Yes, yes, I remember reading that. It comes right before inserting microchips to increase the pain.

That kids a creepy little bastard, isn’t he?


I can’t get Chick’s site to come up right now. Maybe they’re getting bombarded, is all.

Fantastic. It had me from the very first panel - with both the World Court, *and * a Jesuit as the “Supreme Justice”! And then when the Riddler showed up, I was hooked. Keep ‘em comin’, Jack-o!

ok, that is the funniest one ever, right down the the ‘american graffiti’ ending for bobby.

– excuse the l/c, hand’s in a brace –

The Grinch is a Democrat?
The North Pole is a “Red State”?
Who knew? :confused: :wink: :smiley:

World Court Headquarters in Rome?
I thought it was Babylon?

But, why is this so ridiculous to people?
Do you not realize that christians are being killed right now in other countries just for being christians?
You think it would never happen in America?

Their clothes are on the floor?

Jesus wants you in Heaven, naked, now boy!

I’m kinda aroused. :eek:

What a rip, this is an old Jack Chick comic.

Still entertaining, though.

That was deliciously apocolyptic! I’m seeing a definite Left Behind influence.

You’re right. Setting up a One World government, headed by the Jesuits (who, by the way, are secretly working to establish a state-run religion focused on “The Mother Goddess”), populated with Healers who double as Batman arch-villians, running a society where the Black Helicopters are busy tracking down Christians so they can punish/kill them for not wanting their children to be part of a Riddler Youth Corp is perfectly plausible.

Is it just me, or does Charles look like a very dissolute Dean Martin?

This one’s from 1992. This “last generation” sure is dragging out, isn’t it?

Is there any other kind of Dean Martin?

McCauley Culkin would’ve been better as Bobby.

I like to think of Bobby as an early Bud Cort. And I’m surprised Charles would be hanging out with the filthy Christians, as he’s obviously gained several levels in the government due to his porn experience. That mustache ain’t fooling anybody!

Man oh man, now I want to be a New Age Healer, so that I can wear the cool clothes and prance around like a superhero!

Anyone else think that the little Hitler Youth uniform was a bit over the top? Actually, what am I thinking, the ENTIRE comic is over the top.

I actually think Chick should be committed if he believes in of this hyberbolic diaper fudge.