Ziggy O.D.'d (with pics!)

I came home the other night to find that my cat had gotten the container of catnip off the table, opened it up, and was laying in a pile, high as a kite.

Pic 1
Pic 2
He’s a junky!

Like, me-OW, man.

Oh no, drugs are not a good sign. Have you checked under his bed for prawn?

What make is the knife on the table?

Hey, where’d you get your table? My mom is looking for something like it.

Girl From Mars, funny you should ask. When he was a kitten, we gave him a big ole prawn to play with, and he went crazy running around with it, clicking and chattering at it, throwing it up into the air, etc. He wouldn’t eat it though.

Scumpup, it’s a Sharp®.

dare_devil007_, I got the table at Wicks Furniture in Wheeling, IL.

If you don’t talk to your cat about catnip, who will?

[sub]this message brought to you by the national campaign to stop catnip abuse.[/sub]

Will somebody PLEASE, think of the kittens!

I guess CA is the next step.

In that second pic, he looks like he’s convinced lightning got in the house and it’s looking at him.

I disagree. I think he looks like he’s finally achieved his Life Goal of having more catnip than he can use. Like he’s saying, “Now what can I possibly look forward to in the future?”

This is your cat.

This is your cat on nip.

Any questions?

When my cat gets on catnip, he lies on his side on the floor and spins around in a circle like the Three Stooges.

Woo woo woo woo woo Moe Larry Catnip! Moe Larry Catnip!

Heh. I don’t know if you’re really supposed to do this to Other People’s Cats, but the last time I was at Home Depot, I picked up a catnip plant among other plants I bought for summer gardening. It’s thriving in the house, but I had evil plans to make the neighbourhood kitties mellow. I plucked a few leaves today, lightly crushed them and put them in an old knee-high stocking. I tied it outside at cat level, and it didn’t take long for the Siamese from next door to try and absorb as much stuff as he/she/it could through its face. It provided me some amusement when I popped outside.


There, you’ve discovered one my weakness. Happy?

Poor kitty, hooked on the Evil CatWeed with Roots in Hell. This is exactly why we must win the War On CatDrugs. I call for more funding and an intense crackdown on CatWeed pushers. I will be in touch with all my governmental representatives, demanding such a crackdown be implemented immediately.

Ziggy’s not here man.

If you clean it up with your vacuum cleaner, I hope it’s a canister-type that you can wash out - otherwise your cat will be in love with your vacuum for the next decade…

Dude… have you ever really looked at your paws?

Dude, your cat was in the “Land of Nod”. It’s a beautiful place where all is sweet, happy and “oh, so mellow”! The “Nasty” turn “Nice”, the “Ugly Ducklings” into “Beautiful Swans”. You get the point! Problem is, he might never want to come back to the “Land of Reality”. Hide the Nip, & dispense w/care! He sure looks like, One Cool Cat!