Ziggy O.D.'d (with pics!)

You should get some gin and make your catatonic.

My sister’s cat, Sport (RIP) got into the catnip one day about 10 years ago. That cat was never, ever the same. He sorta had a weird ‘mroaow’ that leaked out of him, but never again full-on meowed like a normal cat. He was also pretty slow. Pretty cat, though.

Very handsome cat - I love the second pic with the stoned face. He’s so stoned he forgot to look guilty!

[off topic question to OP] Is your Siamese smart? I have a beautiful seal-point (my only purebred) but he’s dumb as a sack of carrots. [/off topic]

Nah, not really. I wouldn’t call him dumb, per se, but he’s never really impressed me with his intelligence. He fetches sparkly balls with great gusto, that’s about it.

He does have the biggest ego of any pet I’ve ever owned, however. He definitely rules the roost.

Mr. SCL gave Valentino to me for a Valentine’s Day gift in 1994. When we went to the breeder’s home to pick out a kitten, she had two litters of 6-week-old Siamese kittens running around her living room. Mr. SCL took one look and said “I want that one - the one that just ran into the wall.”. Beautiful as a sunrise, just doesn’t have a lot of cheese on his cracker. Very sweet, tho.

Good thing Ziggy is male. In my experience, Catwoman don’t party so much, but Katmandu.

My cat has never, not once, displayed anyt interest of any kind in catnip. Anyone else have a “straightedge” cat?

Lucky Eleusis; when my two kitties are on the 'nip they get mean.

[sup]Okay, if the above weren’t about cats, it would sound a little kinky[/sup]

Man, he’s bloodshot something fierce. Tell him he needs to wear his :cool:

Hehhehhhehehheh…look at his eyes in the second one. He’s, like, totally stoned. Hehehhhehhheheh…

So, he got stoned on his 'nip, and then played Xbox all day?

Awww he takes after his daddy :smiley:

Actually, Eleusis cut the cat in half and mounted its hindquarters on a plaque.

It was a catastrophe…

What if you got Schroedinger’s cat high on catnip?

He wouldn’t need an elevator…that’s for sure.

Time for a Zero Tolerance Policy.


Our firewall is blocking the photos – perhaps something about the URL being “adulthumor.com”? So I can’t see them.

My cat Suuuugar would always tear open the catnip mouse/ball/whatever, then roll around and get the leaves all in her fur. Must have been for that lasting experience.