Roger the cat loses his job, or my cats are serious druggies

For those of you who enjoy hearing about the cats I live with here is the latest update.

Sadly Roger has joined the ranks of the unemployed. After only 3 days on the job he gets fired. No reason given, I’m sure it’s not because Roger caught all the mice in the bar. I don’t think he was past the training stage of meowing alot and sniffing around. Everyone at his job liked his personality, his hard work ethic, and I was assured that he was working his way up to catching mice but just when it seemed that he was ready to catch mice he was sadly let go. Or I should say abruptly fired seeing how someone had to pick him up from his job and escort him out (how embarrassing for Roger), they say they will send his stuff to our house but I’m not buying that.

So Roger is now spending the days at the house with Frank & Iggy. Normally this would not bother me but…Well I think that the cats are lying to me about their “casual” use of catnip.

When they experiment with catnip it is not in some little stuffed mousey or whatnot. They want it pure and uncut. Usually they get a pile of catnip on the ottoman or the livingroom rug, and then they proceed to eat it. This usually breaks down to lots of fighting between them because one of them always hogs it all. So now there is lots of fights over the “cosmic”, there is catnip strewn all over the rug, grounded into the ottoman. In light of the fact that Roger is now unemployed I cut the toes off of 2 socks, put catnip in it and sewed it up. The cats seemed all eager to try this weaker version of catnip out, but when I gave them their fix, they sniffed it and WALKED away.

So now I have 3 hardcore catnippers in my house. For those of you who think catnip is harmless let me straighten you out. Catnip is a hard drug, your cats will go from casual users, using “mousies” to cut the “nip”. To hardcore catnip fiends, fighting over the smallest amount of nip. Even if you give them equal servings, one of them will come too close to someones stash, and then all hell breaks loose. They will also lose their jobs, Roger claims that he was clean and not using anymore, but why would he be fired from his job with no reason or testing? Even though the cats say that they are always out looking for jobs they are always home before me! Don’t even suggest that we cut them off of their nip, this just leads to them fighting ALL the time, complaining that they need the mellow feeling they get after the initial rush to get along.

Just wait. Pretty soon you’ll be growing your own catnip to keep up with the demand. Do it carefully, if the neighborhood cats get a whiff they’ll be nosing in on your catnip patch and pinching part of it for their own use.
Sorry to hear Roger got canned.

Brim, you are obviously an enabler.

I’m not saying it’s 100% your fault, but you have to ask yourself how these cats could possibly be addicts if you didn’t supply them.

Just say NO to drugs.

Even if you cut them off, they’ll find it somehow. We had a pot of catnip growing out back a while ago and some cat ATE it. Just munched it right off, down to the roots.

There are Twelve Step Programs available for cats, you know.

(Well, actually Twenty-Four Step Programs, because they got twice the amount of feet we do.)

Just tell them to start selling cat nip, since they can’t hold a job. Better hours, BETTER PAY, and it has benefits too.

Brim, honey, you have to wash the socks first.

Hey, I know how you feel, I’ve got a house full of catnip users. Even got a little catnip patch in the backyard for them to roll in.

The sock thing won’t work. It seems like a great idea, because cats also love socks. But apparantly socks are to thick. I used to buy muslin tea bags and put catnip in that. They loved it! Now I just cut out a piece of cheap fabric and sew a rectangle with catnip inside.

One of my cat likes to gather up the bags and hoard them.

hmmm, ya say ya got catnip?

can i come over sometime? just to get aquainted with your catn- er, cats. yeah, your cats.


YOWCH! sound of boot connecting with kittyrear

you’re absolutely right, catnip is a “gateway” drug. my cats actually dug some up and put it in a pot, on the floor in the living room. bigbuttkitty likes to lie on the floor, on her back, under the spreading fronds of the catnip plant, and just gaze up at it.

i had a boss whose wife was japanese, and every once in a while her family would send her these little packs of japanese catnip. they come in a foil pouch, about big enough to hold 3 toothpicks, and the catnip is ground fine, like paprika. it’s some kind of bark, if i’m not mistaken. boss would always give me a couple of pouches to take home to the zootcats. pray, PRAY that your cats never make a connection with the japanese catnip tong. this stuff is more powerful and addictive than crack. one tiny pinch of it, and they would start speaking japanese, talking about sushi orgies and hallucinating hopping vampires and ogres with katanas in the bathroom. and then they would race through the house, singing “i think i’m turning japanese” at the tops of their voices, until they finally collapsed into catnip-induced comas.

be careful with the catnip. and whatever you do, never, EVER buy the catnip oil spray and spray it on the dogs ears.


Thank you! My morning just started with a grin.

you’re quite welcome! glad to be of service!!!:smiley:

Except that it takes SEVEN cat dollars to equal ONE human dollar.

Selling catnip is not an option, their addiction has gone way to far for that. You don’t see crackheads selling crack on the street, they are selling toasters, cd’s,furniture, etc. I swear it’s only a matter of time till I see one of my cats walking out of the house with my TV.

My girls grow their own. The cross-subsidize their, erm, agricultural operation by, erm, marketing their produce.

(bolding mine)
This is bad
This is very bad.
Milo Cat has all of these signs of gross catnip abuse.
1)Must have a PILE of PURE catnip.
2)Must be on the RUG.
3)Must lie flat on the LIVING ROOM RUG with your fuzzy arms outstretched around the PILE to keep the other cat away so he can HOG IT ALL.
4)Proceeds to belly crawl down along his PILE (well really more of a LINE of catnip),EATING IT then licking the rug obsessively (which is why my sister called him “Milo Ruglicker” until we both started laughing hysterically :D)

Nip Institue of Catmint Enjoyment
Carpet Abuse Team
1 Lurking under the Shrubbery
Where-You-Least-Expect-Us-to-Come-Flying-At-Your-Ankles, Ohio Chapter

Dear Sucker Cat-Lover,

We would like to bring to your attention the insidious epidemic that is carpet addiction. We want to assure you it is in no way related to a cat’s necessary minimum daily catnip requirement.

Depending on the phase of the moon, this can be anywhere from one millispaz to an emergency full body application of 5 gigaspaz.

Only the most shortsighted, catnip hating, cheap bastid would fail to see that catnip is just the salt on the tequila that is carpet abuse.

Concerned Cat-Lovers may leave donations of catnip (no stems please) with their local representative feline.

Thank you,