How do you get a game published?

I know we just had a thread similar to this about books, but I have an idea for a card game. If once I test it and and get it to a form where I believe it is a good game, how would I go about getting it published?

head to a game convention, try and sell it to publishers there, a friend of mine is doing just that, hes got one game going into production and is working on another.

it might help if we knew whether this was a game to be played with an ordinary playing card deck, or a game that would be made and marketed with its own cards. The usual routes to popularity would be different for the two cases I think.

I assume if the game just used regular playing cards, then there would not really be a market for it unless it required a special board or playing pieces. So while my idea originated with regular playing cards, I am considering adjusting it so that it would require some special cards. I also think a different size deck than standard may work a little better, but I have not really had an opportunity to test it thoroughly yet.

Yes. Well, you said ‘published’, which is not necessarily the same as ‘marketed.’

New card games played with regular playing cards have been invented and ‘published’ in books about playing card games… generally these rules have been held to be in the public domain IIRC. it’s also quite hard to get them to the point where anybody really cares about playing them.