Wierd Earl for today (042606)/WANT A NEW FORUM? VOTE NOW!

Points us to this site .

This is definitely one of the wierder sites that has come up in WE. Methinks Old Ken is on some serious drugs and people should keep him away from a keyboard while he’s stoned.

So is he a mod here or something? Why is this posted in ATMB?


Color me more confused than ever. More confused than when I looked at the site this morning, even.

What the hell?

It’s in ATMB because it’s like about this message board.

That website is in no way like About This Message Board. Maybe if I reversed your speech I would make more sense out of it.

Yes, I suppose the Texans are making Russian nukes using the money from the vast coca plantations run by our secret lizard overlords. But that’s no reason to call my mother a chemtrail-sucking daughter of an overfed Grey.

It’s the Wierd Earl’s link for today, though. Typically the Wierd Earl’s and Threadspotting discussions go on here, at least from what I’ve seen before.

I’m still confused as everyone else though…

Would y’all like a forum area for this? I can set one up, that’s not a problem.

Maybe cover them both, as they don’t usually get this much play. . . . y’all good with that?

I can think of other things I want more, but sure, that sounds good.


Waaaaait a second. If the nukes are being made by Texans, how are they Russian nukes? I think you may be pulling my leg a bit here mister.

That’d be cool. Would it also be a new way to suggest links? That way everyone can see the rejects as well as the front page ones?

Um, not so sure about that; I’d rather get submissions in email. It spoils the fun if you get them first!

However, I don’t use all the submissions I get, for various reasons. And in a forum area on the board I could set them free and y’all could click on them or not, as you wish. That could be fun.

I also have extra graphics from time to time when we run Classics that had updates, additions, etc.; due to the format of the column, I can run only one. Might be cool to show you folks the rest.

Maybe run some contests, get y’all to write some tags for me . . . which I could use.

What we need next is a good catchy phrase for this catchall forum. . . I’m taking nominations in this thread. Starting . . . now.

Spotting Threadspotting Threads?

My suggestions are:

  1. Internet Cache

  2. Free Range Links

  3. Hi Opal - The Forum

  4. Internet Trench

  5. The Internet Bistro

Ok, I got nothing else really, I’m quite dissapointed in myself. Still, a forum dedicated to discussion about the internet, rejected Weird Earls and shared links (no spam) would be interesting. Would there be room for tech questions?

We already have a forum for tech questions – General Questions.

Since we are not, strictly speaking, a technical board, we have resisted the idea of a purely technical forum. There’s other boards out there, that IS what they do, that’s their meat.

Plus who would staff it? We don’t have tech people with nothing to do all day and night but play Help Desk – if that’s what they wanted to do, they could it for money! (Well okay, they could if they lived in India. But.)

How about…

  1. My Name Is Earl :wink:

  2. Threadwrangling

  3. Earl’s House of Threads

  4. For Your Reading Enjoyment

  5. Damn, this is harder than I thought. :smiley:

“I see…” said the blind man.

How about:
The Recycle Bin
The place to discuss Weird Earl and Threadspotting links, view leftover submissions and graphics, and assorted stuff from the junk drawer.

Actually, that’s not a bad one either. The Junk Drawer, or Utility Closet if you’re nonplussed by the Junk part.

I would vote for ATMB seems to be a fine home for Weird Earl & Threadspotting.
If were going to have a new forum it should be for something like Sports that lives in many Forums. Sports currently can be GQ, IMHO, MPSIMS or Cafe. That is one of the more confusing.
Most of the Threadspotting comments are that a link is not working. ATMB seems to handle that well.


You guys, we’ve got 9 forums already. Do we really need another one solely for discussing random internet weirdness? I am pretty sure these could go seamlessly into MPSIMS and if there’s curiosity about the reject pile, Tuba could cut’n’paste them together into an occasional OP there.
But naming things is fun, howzabout Weird Earl’s Garage or WeirdSpotting